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A line needs to be drawn with Incognito-They have taken this TOO FAR-lmk your thoughts on this proposal

by /u/QuickieFlippie · 0 votes · 2024-03-10 07:44:00

Someone knows who these motherfuckers are, a bounty needs to be placed on finding them. I say we start a dn gofundme that whoever can provide absolute proof who where he is should get the funds. I know doxxing is illegal on dread but this one is different...there are exceptions to every rule. its one thing to rob half a million people of their money, we have seen this show more times to count, But now they are threatening half a million people's freedom by doxxing and its not right. What they are doing is pure evil. Is it right to dox 1-4 people to stop half a million people from getting doxxed? I think it is.

How about the rest of our community here? Please share your thoughts on this one exception to the sitewide rules of dread. I am asking moderators of this sub to leave this post up at least until /u/hugbuner and /u/paris chime in as well as other leaders of the community. If there are no repercussions then what will stop the next market that exitscams from doing the same thing? We can't let this one go guys. we have to draw the line with this.

So what are we going to do? this is not some vendor trying to dox a few of their douchebag customers, this is a huge market that has access to huge bulk buyers and vendors that I'm sure would be happy to fund a project like this to save their freedoms. So like I said before, should we make an exception to the doxxing rule with everything that is at stake right now? If we do nothing whether he is bluffing or not if he's not bluffing then people that depend on these drugs will be at risk the most, the vendors that use this way of life will not be able to take care of their families.

If the biggest, best, and most trusted vendors with integrity are sitting in a cell who will take their place? More scammers, untrustworthy vendors, and more markets that pull the same shit incognito staff is doing. We must catch and expose him and make an example out him of what happens when you mess with more then just people's money. We all can replace money, we can't replace the time spent in a cell.

The end buyer will be forced to source their products on the street, and put their irl safety at risk in so many ways. The DN will lose more trust because if he actually goes through with this shit the good ones will either retire or be rotting in a cell. I think you guys can figure where I stand on this but I wanna know everyone's thoughts whether your a baby bottle account or someone with 7 years and 12k dread points. I will tag some users/vendors/mods/and admins that I have respect for, some I know well, some not so much, some that I think are assholes and some that I love but if I tagged you here then it means that I thnk they have something to offer in getting this resolved and know what their contributions to dread have been. A

re we really gonna let this happen? This is one of those times where we all need to set aside our difference till we resolve this. But maybe im wrong and this is the darknet and shit happens. either way please give us your feedback whether you are for or aginast this idea, have something to add, or something that maybe we should subtract. Let us solve this together so that anyone else with this kind of power will think twice before trying to do the same. LETS CATCH THE GREEDY EVIL MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!

The list below are some people I think may be able to contribute in some way whether though wisdon, resources or financials. This list is in No particular order, just people I have known and seen over the years and believe can contribute in some way. A while back I thnk I saw that dread only lets you tag 10 people per post, I don't know if that is still the case but if it is then I will do continuous posts that will have all of the tags and post them, not to spam but just to make sure everyone gets a chance to give feedback, the extra posts I will lock, if /d/dread or /d/darknetmarkets lets this post stand please try to keep comments on /d/darknetmarkets, if not I guess its gonna be /d/cafedread. If I left any out I'm sorry but feel free to add your input as well and the input of anyone else you want to tag. This is not a joke so lets not just turn it into a bitchfest about incognito, lets share ideas and information to get these pieces of shit! And if anyone's tag is wrong lmk and i'll get it updated!

/u/densake-we know you have an opinion and connections that can help us whether you fucked us over or not, heres a chance to make some more money from us. This makes what you did forgettable and be a real DN here. /u/desnake, I never really liked you much but I do know you have reach that can help us. Please com out of the shadows and help us, we did after make you rich! do this one solid
/u/mr_white-if you are watching rn, we need you! /d/drughubstaff if you are in contact with him please, at least get us his pgp signed feedback

User: /u/biscuitofeternalcrunch

In my opinion the best thing that can come out of this is a push to move everyone over to XMR and PGP. This is the darkweb, not the street. We protect ourselves largely through our own security measures (having an active and engaged community is useful too). The risk is never going to be 0%, but the aim is always going to be to bring it as close as possible to that. What pharaoh is doing is (obviously) shitty. People like this are a stain on the community and it's likely a not insignificant amount of people will be physically harmed as a result of debt incurred by his actions. So yes, I would get some satisfaction out of some terrible misfortune coming his way, and I would probably have a good chuckle if he ends up doxxed. But I question the benefit to the community of doing so, beyond satiating a desire for vengeance. In terms of deterrence, I don't see how it adds anything. Ross Ulbricht is in jail without the chance of parole, forever. The stakes don't really get any higher than that. Market admins understand the importance of not revealing their identity, and will act as though there is an extremely well-funded campaign to deanonymise them at all times (because there likely is, by LE). It's extremely unlikely that anybody capable of doing this would do so if they thought there was a chance they could get caught by LE/doxxed. Of course they may turn out to be wrong about that, but the point stands. Someone might say "well, certain insiders may know more than LE". True, but an act of extortion like this is highly likely to have been planned a long time ago, not opportunistic, so you would expect anyone doing it to make sure no one would be able to do dox them when the time comes. Again, it's possible pharaoh fucked up and doxxing becomes an option, but again, no would-be extorter who thinks there's a chance of this happening to them would do this, whether pharaoh gets doxxed or not. The whole point of the DNMs is that we are anonymous and can't be found. If that wasn't the case, then there would be no DNMs. Security measures (simple ones that exist and are easy to implement and indeed have been implemented before by other markets) that prohibit this from happening in the future are the solution here, not continuing as we have been and hoping that whoever tries this next can be doxxed. As well as (in my view) a lack of upsides (beyond vengeance), there are some downsides to this. A firm no doxxing rule will have been broken, and a precedent set. A potentially very dangerous precedent. Also, what happens when he's doxxed? Is the hope here that some particularly violent organised crime crew are going to go and kill him? There's a comment on the TorTimes article by (what I assume is) a vendor saying if they find him they will kill him and his loved ones, his family. That's likely just talk, sure, but who knows what happens - we expect SOMETHING to happen if we think it's worth doxxing him right, so who's to say what that might be? At the risk of sounding melodramatic, MAYBE innocent people (children?) will be murdered. Or maybe we should just use XMR and PGP from now on and signfiicantly reduce the threat posed by people like pharaoh, and more importantly, LE.