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Amphetamine vs Amphetamine Sulfate

by /u/Leeds · 0 votes · 2024-01-03 08:10:00

I was reading a vendor's description of his product Amphetamine Sulfate. He claimed he imported the Amphetamine and then in his own lab converted it to the Sulfate.
I am curious as to why he would do that. Is there a big enough difference between the two that its worth making that conversion. I always thought that plain Amphetamine was a decent stimulate so what is the advantage of turning it into the sulfate?

Comments (2)
/u/HeavenChem · N/A votes · 3rd January, 2024 - 15:05 · Link

Bruh, seems like you not understanding chemistry at all. So, he got amphetamine free base which dissolves in water pretty bad, its just a oil liquid. Free base dissolves in organic solvents pretty good. You can google non-polar solvents to look for examples. To get amphetamine sulfate, which is powder, he used sulfuric acid and washed with acetone. So he got salt of amphetamine, that's it. Text me if I was unclear

/u/Leeds · N/A votes · 4th January, 2024 - 07:33 · Link

Hey thanks a ton. Your explanation was very clear. You're right, my chemistry is pretty poor. I need to find problems that require some major algebra. I'm halfway decent with algebra. Another Chem question I might ask is why do you call it amphetamine free base. What does free base mean.

/u/HeavenChem · N/A votes · 3rd January, 2024 - 15:14 · Link

Humans are 60-70% water. So, if person will take amphetamine free-base, he will not get high, because it almost not dissolves in water. Salts of amphetamine does it very well, I hope you understand it

/u/ZillaKami138 · N/A votes · 5th January, 2024 - 20:51 · Link

A substance being a hydrophobic freebase doesn't necessarily preclude it from human consumption. See crack and #3 heroin for examples. I don't know enough about amphetamine freebase's physical properties, e.g. boiling point, temperature it undergoes thermal decomposition, to say that it could be vaporized/smoked in similar fashion to crack or #3 H. However, I think it's entirely plausible that a freebase amphetamine oil could be smoked. The practicality of doing this is another matter...

/u/HeavenChem · N/A votes · 7th January, 2024 - 12:46 · Link

Yes, you're right ! But in pure free base form its almost impossible to get high

/u/ZillaKami138 · N/A votes · 7th January, 2024 - 13:01 · Link

Can you explain why?

/u/HeavenChem · N/A votes · 7th January, 2024 - 13:23 · Link

Formally, you can get high, if you smoke, and perhaps even if you eat it, but who knows what acidity is in your stomach If you remove all these factors, then you can’t get high having a substance in this form It is more familiar and convenient to have a water -soluble substance that can even be intravenous. I do not advise you to do it :)

/u/ZillaKami138 · N/A votes · 8th January, 2024 - 21:37 · Link

I'm asking purely out of scientific curiosity, not because I want to go through the trouble of converting amphetamine salts into freebase. By the way, medical literature reports the pH of the stomach approximately vary between 1 and 2.5.

/u/HeavenChem · N/A votes · 14th January, 2024 - 14:34 · Link

I understand, just joking ;) 1-2.5 pretty big gap tho