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Amphetamine vs Amphetamine Sulfate

by /u/Leeds · 0 votes · 2024-01-03 08:10:00

I was reading a vendor's description of his product Amphetamine Sulfate. He claimed he imported the Amphetamine and then in his own lab converted it to the Sulfate.
I am curious as to why he would do that. Is there a big enough difference between the two that its worth making that conversion. I always thought that plain Amphetamine was a decent stimulate so what is the advantage of turning it into the sulfate?

User: /u/ZillaKami138

A substance being a hydrophobic freebase doesn't necessarily preclude it from human consumption. See crack and #3 heroin for examples. I don't know enough about amphetamine freebase's physical properties, e.g. boiling point, temperature it undergoes thermal decomposition, to say that it could be vaporized/smoked in similar fashion to crack or #3 H. However, I think it's entirely plausible that a freebase amphetamine oil could be smoked. The practicality of doing this is another matter...