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Can the market stop with shilling us with their obvious DDOS attack?

by /u/[deleted] · 0 votes · 2nd February, 2022 12:31

A 'unknown ' market seems to reaches a new level of FUD, like many major markets being flamed the FUD attacks will occur with fresh new accounts or harvested 1 year old account that weren't active for a while seems to know more better then the vendors and staff about the market.

Don't fall into this, the 'unknown' market is seemingly wasting time on making accounts and writing post and hiring attackers to harm us while their market is dying.

Well, a beautiful world. Even /u/HugBunter sees this obvious way of doing.


We are on top of the issues, withdrawals are always processed as most vendors aren't complaining at all. Only as usual fresh made account..

Again fuck you to the 'unknown' market who is DDOSSING,SHILLING,SPAMMING, lost the middlefinger but a big middlefinger.

User: /u/ATOC

keep the good work ! Now spam attacks are on Versus.. idk who is doing but idk what's the point... Keep the good work against this f***s with ddos/spam attacks