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"Missed Monerotopia Episode (#162)? Check out the Price, News, Reports here!

by /u/monerotopia · 0 votes · 2024-04-23 16:35:00

"Missed Monerotopia Episode (#162)? Check out the Price, News, Reports here!

Price Report:

Youtube: https://youtu.be/8-Q5MfncHOs

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/pullback-into-the-halving%2C-but-hopium:0

News Segment:

Youtube: https://youtu.be/7CtAmmwyTxw

ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@MoneroTalk:8/more-free-testing-for-monero-04-18-24:5

Comments (1)
/u/Fyodor-MD · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 16:40 · Link

please can you also start posting summary in text.