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please Open-Source Dread !!!!!!

by /u/dreadloverrrrrrrrrr · 0 votes · 2024-03-31 20:02:00

I really really love this website, it's such an amazing website run by amazing skilled people, very nice and skilled and cool, long live dread!

But I Really really really wish it was open-source, so that we can read the code and help improve the site, obviously a lot of really really skilled people are on this beautiful honest website, so why not open source ?

If our skilled honest great lords /u/paris and /u/hugbunters are worried about phishing, well phishers can already make fake dread now, so it wouldn't make difference open source or not.

I can recommend good hosting services to host the code aside from Github, completely anonymous over Tor.

Really, no reason not to open source, let's open source this beautiful site so all our skilled Dread users can help make it better!

/u/paris /u/hugbunter

Comments (3)
/u/NeonX · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 20:06 · Link

But there would be too many clones, regardless of if they were phishing, making Dread lose value, and adding more competitors in.

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 20:18 · Link

I actively want and promote alternatives, decentralization is important. I had planned to open source the platform, once I was able to completely rebuild it in a stable state worthy of a release, but I haven't and still need to. It would be just too much work to do any time soon. This was before Dread reached anywhere near its current size though so it wouldn't be a good idea to now, there are lots of spam and bot measures in place which would cause a lot of issues if the methods behind it were public knowledge since it could be circumvented. When I do finally complete the rebuild, I will make a reduced version of the codebase which consists of the core functionality and fundamentals of the Reddit-like format, a minified Dread, if you will. That would be ideal to open source and then developers can build in additional features to put their own take on the platform.

/u/PapaSam · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 22:13 · Link

what about Recon? do you think its going to be up anytime soon?

/u/SHIELD · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 20:19 · Link

That would be a really bad move to be honest. Not a great Idea. I mean i understand your excitement but it wouldn't be good

/u/Amphora · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 21:33 · Link

It would put Dread's security in danger if done when the codebase isn't fully audited. Not to mention the captcha system. While we trust the administrators with security, open sourcing Dread will make their job harder.