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please Open-Source Dread !!!!!!

by /u/dreadloverrrrrrrrrr · 0 votes · 2024-03-31 20:02:00

I really really love this website, it's such an amazing website run by amazing skilled people, very nice and skilled and cool, long live dread!

But I Really really really wish it was open-source, so that we can read the code and help improve the site, obviously a lot of really really skilled people are on this beautiful honest website, so why not open source ?

If our skilled honest great lords /u/paris and /u/hugbunters are worried about phishing, well phishers can already make fake dread now, so it wouldn't make difference open source or not.

I can recommend good hosting services to host the code aside from Github, completely anonymous over Tor.

Really, no reason not to open source, let's open source this beautiful site so all our skilled Dread users can help make it better!

/u/paris /u/hugbunter

User: /u/Amphora

It would put Dread's security in danger if done when the codebase isn't fully audited. Not to mention the captcha system. While we trust the administrators with security, open sourcing Dread will make their job harder.