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vendor: Bussing, on arch. anyone try his blues?

by /u/blckpwr3 · 0 votes · 2024-04-11 21:35:00

any one at all? anything at all?
not wanting to talk negative or anything about him, just seeking further info on him and his operation. from what i can tell hes legit dude and comms are slightly decent lol but im always nioded out, more often lately then usual. due to me fallling 100 percent completely off. i wont get into but hey thanks baby girl for stealing and flushing EVERY DAMN THING I HAD IN STOCK that wasnt even out of the vacuum bags yet lol smfh. anyway...

yeah i ordered a test run wih him nothing major luckliy, i asked him if he could get it shippped and in route in the manor he told me and i paid for specifically and alll that fun stuff. and yes of course he can, fastest shipping method i could ever possibly use ;) and they look absolutely delicious, b. said to have increased strength. i was beginning to become hopeful,

now my main reason for gettibg these for him is especially to keep me from getting sick (which i am and have been for almost 3 days now <3 thanks babe! love you too ) and possibly get a new connect for a good price. just like the next guy ya know... well we are off to a rocky start unfortunately...

this was monday night. still sittting wherever it is, marked accepted still. One of the main things that just grinds my gears to a fine fucking powder;
when there is an option to pay for fastest shipping possible, and it is treated like everything else, or they just wait another weak. when you speak to the vendor and thank them for offering that in the first place, and they do what they say they will do, that means a fucking lot to me, and you just became my number 1... but fuck it den son.

i dont wanna think that hes fuckin me around, but i just cant help it.but im not saying he is at all. its just happened so many times, when im in desperate need, i find the right product needed, check to see if they acrtually do legit express, they confirm i order. 8/10 i never see anything and the order is canceled and refunded. i fucking cannnot stand when that happens. its like being fuckin dope sick lol and it happens when i am dope sick, just rubbing in.

sorry for my rant, the sickness doesnt help the matter. im just so over the bullshit. the people i used all the time , did what they say they did. i had to end up finding new ones for everything. ever since i had to find new, its been like this. 70 percent of the time. FUCKING SUCKS!! lol i just want the fastest shipping possible, or at the very least, do what you say youre gonna do, if you cant, communicate that with me so im not left going nuts losing my mind. shit happens, i get that, let me know. im a good buyer, that brings others.
serious question;
am i asking to much? i feel as if i am not.... maybe im just too cynical.

Comments (7)
/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 11th April, 2024 - 22:39 · Link

Haven't tried dudes wares but I think they were semi-active on Arch not long ago - i was looking into some of their samples. I doubt hes fucking you around on purpose, one must remember that shit happens in peoples lives as well. Not trying to defend the vendor but just pointing out i recently ended up in the ER and things like this can happen suddenly and unexpectedly and cause unfortunate delays. It doesn't help that USPS shipping has been slow as molassess and running like shit lately. I hope your pack comes through and if it does please let me know how it slaps because I was looking at grabbing some samples from him as well

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 11th April, 2024 - 23:18 · Link

oh i know bro, im just super super suuppperrrrr down and out rn. and it obviously wasnt planned so ya know. everything is everyone elses fault, not mine lmao kidding obvi lol. but yeah fuckin usps is at it again smh i hope so too man. 4 orders made. i know a little something about one of them lol everyone else no comms

/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 11th April, 2024 - 23:20 · Link

sorry bro sending positive vibes your way that your shipment magically shows up in your mailbox tomorrow with extra weight

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 11th April, 2024 - 23:51 · Link

if it does, im do something for you, idk what but something. cuz it would be only becuase you made it happen.

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 00:08 · Link

bro im getting red flags now. he changed his blues picture on the market to a picture that was once on another vendors blues

/u/zachcity7 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 00:58 · Link


/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 00:59 · Link

according to mods, it means nothing at all and shouldnt be worried about. oh and they cant do anything about it and are not

/u/c33w33d · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 01:57 · Link

1- alot of vendors are down right now (out of product) 2-USPS is all fucked up lots of delays If you look at past post here on dread it started around mid march. everyone has been jumping around looking for vendors with product Also vendor have been accepting orders when they do not have product, some have even marked orders as shipped only for buyer to find out 10 days latter that they are out of stock, locking up buyers funds in escrow. Make sure you message buyer before hand to make sure they have product ready to go I have seen some post as of today claiming that USPS is starting to get back on track. will see

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:01 · Link

i def do that every single time i order something, half the time im lied to. but thats not even the problem here anymore lol its just so fuckin annoying

/u/c33w33d · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:04 · Link

have you tried messaging Pillmaster or barbrawhite on abacus, I got one on the way with barbrawhite

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:06 · Link

i have others on deck, im just looking for the mix of fast shipping and cheap decent product lol too picky i am maybe. might try barbara

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:07 · Link

also i want fent blues

/u/c33w33d · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:12 · Link

Barbra shit is a morphine anlouge (DESO) mixed with DSMT

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:13 · Link

well is the strength there?

/u/c33w33d · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:19 · Link

Realy dont know will be my first go with it. Im runing low on my normal stuff. He was up front about whats in it .

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:31 · Link

seriously condsidering head out to az and gettting hands on with the buying lol

/u/c33w33d · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:35 · Link

Do what you gotta do to get out of pain. If you got a plug out their hit em up. Be safe

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:46 · Link

i hit them up. they brought me something that wasnt even an opiate lol but sold as brown hard h

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:47 · Link

oh you mean az, lol its all over youtube and shit that az its the spot with the most blue addiction and shit. so thats where good ones are. they have interviews on youtube, like a fuck ton, homeless youtth smoking blues not giving two fucks

/u/c33w33d · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:02 · Link

i guess were all kind of in the same boat. told the shaman guy I have 60 XYLA Last resort lol

/u/c33w33d · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:09 · Link

I know how you feel with vendors acting like little thin skin bitches, Then they get so but hurt when you call them out on it.

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:11 · Link

yeah like so suprised you noticed their obvious scammy bs moves going on smh why is it too much to ask for solid vendors. i mean we are the solid buyer who are mostly always vulnerable

/u/Odlyevenrecover · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 18:03 · Link

I Dont think its just this vendor like 80% of pressie sellers are outt of stock ironically at same time.. coincidence? i think not.. Their BULK Plug and or small group of BULK plugs prob is out of bulk mix, just look up in the search the names of pressie sellers in past week alone. ppl accepting til max time allowed before auto cancel then mark shipped to hold ur money more hoping they get their stuff then telling u its shipped again there was a delay 6 days after it was already supposed to be shipped *thats my situation rn with smackers now hes randomly went into *vacation* mode" was told today it just got shipped again, but to my expectancy, nothing on informed delivery as i expected.. lots of ppl complaining bout it from top trusted ppl so somethings up with their supply rn.. Hopefully i got lucky n he just got more and rly did reship today or im gonna wait another week then have to finally get refunded when i couldve jus got BTH or CW to hold me til theyre restocked.. kinda bs holding our coin in limbo when they dont even have stock.

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 21:09 · Link

always heard smackers was sketchy. but idk. im just tryin to find the fire ones and its a bitch to do that lol but i mean if they dont have them why not be honest and shit with the custies. honesty will get you a long way with me at least

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 21:10 · Link

some of my vendors i use regulary, their packs never show on ID. i had a pack coming today that said out for delivery blah blah an nothing ever fuckin showed dude lol insane

/u/Odlyevenrecover · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 22:56 · Link

Yeh but he still admitted today that he didnt ship and he is today :/ i just want my damn pack or some honesty if its delayed n he atleast has shit coming and him not just praying itll come before i make a dispute, *If ur honest most of time ive very cool w/ it were all human cause i can always buy methadone cheap in the city anywhere rly to hold over if im gonna be sick while.waiting or are sick. but when u lie and i know u lie cause u told 2 other buyers ur out of stock n dont reply to ANY order chat message when i can see your online everyday on your vendor page ♧Swear some vendors forget buyers can see this for some reason♧, me waiting just doesnt sit right w/ me especially when i pay extra for shipping already n hear ur tryna skimp n save just 5 or 6 bucks.to change to 5 day "ground advatange" instead of 3day prio i paid 25$ for which is already only $15.. but yeh i hear ya most of my packs have shown since i started using Informed Delivery, and the ones that havent have showed up at the location in like 2 days somehow. So its def possible to not show, but i do my background info on any1 else with issues etc and knew i was being taken advamtage of w/ it being my first order with this person figured he could test waters n not reply til 1-2 hrs is left before autofinalize extension is made. Ignorant.

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 23:36 · Link

yup fuckin dumb. but message me i have some info on ol boy im sure you would be interested in. its kinda scary so be prepared

/u/ZillaKami138 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 07:29 · Link

WARNING: I received a message today from Archetyp mods, who banned bussing. Bussing is not threatening to dox customer data--names, addresses, and any and all other information he may have saved--unless Archetyp pays him some ridiculous amount of coin. Obviously Archetyp mods don't seem keen on being extorted, so to anyone who has ordered from bussing, please be aware your sensitive information may be released by bussing here on Dread and possibly other platforms, as well. /u/partytime, do you think this is deserving a stickied threat warning potential customers of bussing about this new threat? I can provide the exact message from the Archetyp mods about the situation, but I'm not sure if it's proper to make it public. It seems Arche mods have contacted everyone who placed an order with bussing with the same message, but I'm thinking about hypothetical bussing customers who don't log into Archetyp regularly but check Dread often. If it's more appropriate, let me know in DMs about how we should best put the community on notice.

/u/tonz0funguy · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 09:15 · Link

[pending moderation]

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 02:33 · Link

yeah bro i got the same message. but he avtually sent me a pack. ill be pissed if shit goes down and i lose that pack lmao GODFDDAMANNNFDGSNGNALDFGDFHSGZFD SHGX

/u/partytime · N/A votes · 15th April, 2024 - 06:13 · Link

Well, seems I took the wrong weekend off, mates. I'll be in full swing tomorrow on this issue. What I would have done is to post a thread in Archetyp, if there isn't one already, then xpost to CafeDread and Opiates.

/u/ZillaKami138 · N/A votes · 15th April, 2024 - 07:55 · Link

I think some more vigilant users and mods have done exactly that, save for the crosspost here in Opiates. Scumbag move by this vendor for sure. And it appears that indeed he has been releasing customer info on Dread under different alts.

/u/COOLKID101 · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 21:33 · Link
