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vendor: Bussing, on arch. anyone try his blues?

by /u/blckpwr3 · 0 votes · 2024-04-11 21:35:00

any one at all? anything at all?
not wanting to talk negative or anything about him, just seeking further info on him and his operation. from what i can tell hes legit dude and comms are slightly decent lol but im always nioded out, more often lately then usual. due to me fallling 100 percent completely off. i wont get into but hey thanks baby girl for stealing and flushing EVERY DAMN THING I HAD IN STOCK that wasnt even out of the vacuum bags yet lol smfh. anyway...

yeah i ordered a test run wih him nothing major luckliy, i asked him if he could get it shippped and in route in the manor he told me and i paid for specifically and alll that fun stuff. and yes of course he can, fastest shipping method i could ever possibly use ;) and they look absolutely delicious, b. said to have increased strength. i was beginning to become hopeful,

now my main reason for gettibg these for him is especially to keep me from getting sick (which i am and have been for almost 3 days now <3 thanks babe! love you too ) and possibly get a new connect for a good price. just like the next guy ya know... well we are off to a rocky start unfortunately...

this was monday night. still sittting wherever it is, marked accepted still. One of the main things that just grinds my gears to a fine fucking powder;
when there is an option to pay for fastest shipping possible, and it is treated like everything else, or they just wait another weak. when you speak to the vendor and thank them for offering that in the first place, and they do what they say they will do, that means a fucking lot to me, and you just became my number 1... but fuck it den son.

i dont wanna think that hes fuckin me around, but i just cant help it.but im not saying he is at all. its just happened so many times, when im in desperate need, i find the right product needed, check to see if they acrtually do legit express, they confirm i order. 8/10 i never see anything and the order is canceled and refunded. i fucking cannnot stand when that happens. its like being fuckin dope sick lol and it happens when i am dope sick, just rubbing in.

sorry for my rant, the sickness doesnt help the matter. im just so over the bullshit. the people i used all the time , did what they say they did. i had to end up finding new ones for everything. ever since i had to find new, its been like this. 70 percent of the time. FUCKING SUCKS!! lol i just want the fastest shipping possible, or at the very least, do what you say youre gonna do, if you cant, communicate that with me so im not left going nuts losing my mind. shit happens, i get that, let me know. im a good buyer, that brings others.
serious question;
am i asking to much? i feel as if i am not.... maybe im just too cynical.

User: /u/ZillaKami138

I think some more vigilant users and mods have done exactly that, save for the crosspost here in Opiates. Scumbag move by this vendor for sure. And it appears that indeed he has been releasing customer info on Dread under different alts.