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by /u/phatbagz · 0 votes · 2024-04-06 11:36:00

I'm just checking in with my junkie friends. I'm planning to get clean in about 1 month. I'm in talks with a place to assist me in doing so.... but I'm starting to run low on my supply and I have been using much more excessively I guess subconsciously knowing that I'm coming to the end of my road with the dope. That being said I haven't logged in for a few weeks and am kinda out of the loop.

Who's got the good dope? I see ElitePacks is out of stock and trying to reup... I was one of the first to try his original batch of #4. It was alright, nothing amazing but I actually really liked his #3. It smoked nice and was way less harsh on your lungs so a lot less shit you'd be coughing up compared to tar. I would totally buy his #3 if it was restocked. I did read a bit around here and apparently his #4 batch that came after the first was better than the first... hopefully he restocks on that soon.

I also have seen that apparently wa1greens is stocking H again? Is that right? Good stuff and #4?

I see dimplez is not an option any more. Sucks - he was always ol' reliable for me. Not sure what's going on there but yeah that blows. Was always nice to have a dependable option for tar that you could always rely on.

I just placed an order with HMART. He's always had fantastic dope but I think a lot of people are priced out from buying from him cause it's quite expensive. I'm just wondering what everyone's currently doing when it comes to their dope go-to's.

From what I've gathered wa1greens will probably be restocked soon... other than wa1greens and HMART, who's out there that is worth working with? I suppose if you're really in a pinch madampsychosis appears to still be operating on the markets... anyone boughten from her lately?

EDIT: has anyone tried whitehorse on Abacus? It looks like he's got good reviews on his #4.

Comments (2)
/u/Odlyevenrecover · N/A votes · 6th April, 2024 - 15:59 · Link

WRSEH10 u can never go wrong (altho hes rebranded from the GMA stamps to a new batch due to his supplier running into some issues..) HMART is a newer vendor i tried his samples when he first started vending like 2-3 months ago it was above average but pricey for the quality u get and if ur a smoker its not for that *unless he got a new supplier recently*.. Wa1greens apparenmtly is having HUGE shipping issues if you just search his name youll see hella ppl complaining on same thing but idk how good his dope is at moment never used him tbh..Yesterday I seen pics too from wallstreetbets with some $25 grams of non xylazine tested dope *Must buy minimum of 2g's tho*.. looked good too! havent tried it but that price is nuts ill link the post in a sec he has pics up.. **EDIT HERE YA GO** /post/fc9973e539478a2b758d/#c-344e8937a1dabf79fc pics at the bottom of that post its the 2nd link for the cheaper $25 gram rocked up gunpowder and 1st link is his more expensive batch i believe if i remember reading correctly.

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 9th April, 2024 - 10:24 · Link


/u/cthulhuskittens · N/A votes · 6th April, 2024 - 16:04 · Link

didn't madampsychosis doxx a customer? their stuff was ok but that would give me pause. partyfaves' china was solid last time i ordered but i too am hoping to clean up in the near future after losing yet another shitload of money i couldn't afford (not as bad as MC but i still feel like an idiot) so i haven't been doing much shopping outside the oxy realm (which while more expensive is easier to transition to 'normal' behavior, for me at least). best of luck getting clean

/u/Odlyevenrecover · N/A votes · 6th April, 2024 - 16:13 · Link

yes madam did if i recall correctly :/. Also how you been btw bro? hope alls been well for you and your fam!