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Current Market Status

by /u/phatbagz · 0 votes · 2024-04-06 11:36:00

I'm just checking in with my junkie friends. I'm planning to get clean in about 1 month. I'm in talks with a place to assist me in doing so.... but I'm starting to run low on my supply and I have been using much more excessively I guess subconsciously knowing that I'm coming to the end of my road with the dope. That being said I haven't logged in for a few weeks and am kinda out of the loop.

Who's got the good dope? I see ElitePacks is out of stock and trying to reup... I was one of the first to try his original batch of #4. It was alright, nothing amazing but I actually really liked his #3. It smoked nice and was way less harsh on your lungs so a lot less shit you'd be coughing up compared to tar. I would totally buy his #3 if it was restocked. I did read a bit around here and apparently his #4 batch that came after the first was better than the first... hopefully he restocks on that soon.

I also have seen that apparently wa1greens is stocking H again? Is that right? Good stuff and #4?

I see dimplez is not an option any more. Sucks - he was always ol' reliable for me. Not sure what's going on there but yeah that blows. Was always nice to have a dependable option for tar that you could always rely on.

I just placed an order with HMART. He's always had fantastic dope but I think a lot of people are priced out from buying from him cause it's quite expensive. I'm just wondering what everyone's currently doing when it comes to their dope go-to's.

From what I've gathered wa1greens will probably be restocked soon... other than wa1greens and HMART, who's out there that is worth working with? I suppose if you're really in a pinch madampsychosis appears to still be operating on the markets... anyone boughten from her lately?

EDIT: has anyone tried whitehorse on Abacus? It looks like he's got good reviews on his #4.

User: /u/cthulhuskittens

didn't madampsychosis doxx a customer? their stuff was ok but that would give me pause. partyfaves' china was solid last time i ordered but i too am hoping to clean up in the near future after losing yet another shitload of money i couldn't afford (not as bad as MC but i still feel like an idiot) so i haven't been doing much shopping outside the oxy realm (which while more expensive is easier to transition to 'normal' behavior, for me at least). best of luck getting clean