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what's the purpose of markets?

by /u/dreadburner01 · 0 votes · 8th May, 2023 21:32

okay, before you all downvote me to hell, let me explain. markets constantly exit scam or get raided, because they're centralised. customers have issues with markets doing shady stuff with their money - because the markets are centralised, so now the customer's money is too.

what're you getting at? well, i feel like our "markets" are too centralised right now. they're a gigantic single point of failure. i'm just wondering why you all still use markets instead of being like peer to peer completely when i feel like that'd be better. is the only reason you all use them because of the protections, like buyer and seller ones? because i feel like that could be solved in a p2p way, i'm just not entirely sure how yet.

anyway, sorry for the mini rant but i hope you all can respond and like explain some other benefits of markets rather than p2p that i've completely missed!

Comments (12)
/u/LydiaRQ · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 00:53 · Link

In a word, ESCROW.

/u/BohemiaNorth · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 21:37 · Link

P2P Allows vendors just to start mass scamming and selective scamming at best. Their was a decentralized market called alphabay 2.0... Very decentralized as you see...

/u/BehaviourAnalytica · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 21:46 · Link

Alphabay was never decentralized. They had the """"goal"""" to launch a decentralized market, which of course was bullshit but decentralized markets do (or did) already exist. OpenBazaar - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenBazaar

/u/dreadburner01 · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 21:50 · Link

ooh, cool! i didn't know about openbazaar. so p2p can totally be done, it just has to be done correctly?

/u/Bittern · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 21:52 · Link

It can be done but typically results in a loss of anonymity as with OpenBazaar because every client acts as a server.

/u/BohemiaNorth · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 21:52 · Link

Yep, Your correct they were ment to become that was some fancy wording to get more trust. I remember now.

/u/m00nkey · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 23:51 · Link


/u/BehaviourAnalytica · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 11:38 · Link

Can you already exit-scam you annoy me

/u/powder-cash-rinse-repeat · N/A votes · 11th May, 2023 - 09:34 · Link

AB.2 was a operation ran by the feds de snake was locked up or long gone not hard to recover a pgp when a manhunt was on for the first AB any real criminal would of retired or would of came back and go full throtel untill you exit scam or get ur door kicked in whole thing was shady and feds do elaberate operations all the time just like : operation trojan horse were they opened up a private messanger app and took down alot of people and a fuck ton of drugs even submarines, wharehouses full of drugs and money international crime at its best

/u/CensoredX · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 21:53 · Link

How would that even work? people use markets because of the escrow mostly. If you can solve that issue then yes your idea is brilliant.

/u/dreadburner01 · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 21:59 · Link

right, so a p2p market can only really "work" if there are anti-scam protections implemented ie escrow?

/u/sesquipedalian · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:07 · Link

seems 100% like a solvable issue with cryptography. i mean, we have atomic swaps, why not standard escrow?

/u/CensoredX · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:14 · Link

With standard escrow there is a middleman so it's not decentralized anymore, is it?

/u/sesquipedalian · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:18 · Link

sure, but the middleman doesn't need to be a "man", it can be a cryptographic protocol that locks funds until both parties have agreed to spend. like bisq or something. then you run into privacy/anon issues. it's an interesting concept to tackle but i think it's feasible.

/u/CensoredX · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:33 · Link

What if the vendor didn't ship the product, but claims that he did? how they would reach an agreement?

/u/dreadburner01 · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 23:06 · Link

that's a very good point, and i can't think of a way to solve that right now actually. i totally think it has to be possible

/u/dreadburner01 · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:22 · Link

i like the idea... but how would you incorporate physical items with atomic swaps? if that gets solved, this would be awesome

/u/sesquipedalian · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:38 · Link

not really solved, but i feel like vendors could gain reputations, like we see in localmonero. it would be very useful to have some sort of feedback system on-chain, which is difficult but maybe could be possible if feedback cost a fee, to prevent spam. i'm no genius, but it seems doable! :)

/u/dreadburner01 · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:43 · Link

true, but... with anonymity, you could have the same guy replying to himself and saying, like, "this seller is legit!!" multiple times (obviously in a more believable manner but you get what i'm saying) and it looks like people are rating this seller well, but in actuality it's just the scammer.

/u/sesquipedalian · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:48 · Link

yea exactly that's where the difficulty comes in. You could include burn fees for feedback, but then that incentivizes not leaving any feedback. it's kind of a dilemma and probably most reputation would have to be built offchain which breaks the point. :P

/u/dreadburner01 · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:50 · Link

true! this seems like an interesting problem to try and solve though... i'll work on it!

/u/Shakybeats · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:31 · Link

The main reason is because of escrow. The darknet is filled with scammers. If people went to only doing direct deals vendors could still scam, which doesn't solve the problem. The easiest solution that we have right now is using MultiSig. MS is still not the easiest thing to use with bitcoin and will compromise opsec. MS with XMR is even more difficult to use although /d/DarkMatterMarket is working on making that more simple. /u/quasar1 could answer more about it. MS doesn't fully solve the problem either, but it does limit the amount of coins a market can steal. Even in the days of Hansa people were still able to get their coins after LE took it over. People could do a 2/2 MS deal with a vendor, but that also doesn't fully solve the issue. If a buyer wanted to scam they could not sign the transaction, and the vendor wouldn't be able to get their coins. Or if a buyer was scammed the vendor could not sign and return the coins. Neither person would get the coins so it does deter people from scamming. Using 2/3 MS would help but you would need to involve another party, a trusted user, or a market. If a dispute were to arise the buyer and market could sign, or if the market was scamming the vendor/buyer could sign to complete the deal.

/u/myd1ck · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:45 · Link

tbh ive probably never in my life used an escrow, always FF and only like once I had an issue. never disputed anything. call me lucky.

/u/dreadburner01 · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 04:30 · Link

sorry for the late response, but how is buyer scamming prevention handled right now? what happens if a buyer, who received the product, goes to the market and asks for a refund? will they just get it, no further questions?

/u/quasar1 · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 14:08 · Link

2/2 MS in - terms of buyer/vendor as the required signatures - doesnt really work because if there is a dispute with the order, either party can just refuse to sign and lock it up and market cant even intervene. 2/2 MS in which the market and vendor's signatures are the required ones is a better option, though not without potential for abuse. Versus Market offered a 2/2 MS option with that setup. What is the purpose to a market though? It depends. What is the purpose to a centralized traditional escrow market? User protection but its a gamble. Historically, we always know how that ends. What is the purpose to a 2/3 Multi Sig Market? True user protection, though at the cost of slightly more effort and learning. Until more users are willing to put in the effort to learn and perform multi sig, the merry-go-round of exit scams will continue and this question will not have a clear answer.

/u/dreadburner01 · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:51 · Link

maybe it's one of those things like tsa searches and security through obscurity, where the act itself doesn't really help but the fact it's there deters people? like why would you want to try and scam on a platform that has tons of protections in place if the buyer chooses, ya know?

/u/Xanitforthecash · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 02:41 · Link

ive lost more on market then I have to dds

/u/white_thrash · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 03:35 · Link

hard to believe you, but i do, how long have you been ordering? and about how many deals? its an important detail,. Myself as example, made a lot of orders since a bit more than 3 years, the % of not received orders is low but last 2 weeks or 3, i made 5 orders, well, I only get 2 , other 3 are disputed and the other one i was 50% refunded, i am pissed off

/u/myd1ck · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 19:51 · Link

the only time i got 'scammed' was with pressed xanax or xtc pills, i got completely different substance, i never bothered to dispute it and I learned my lesson. since then i only deal with pharma grade stuff and i usually buy in bulk + dhl packstation expedited shipping so i dont have to care about anything and I stick to a few selected vendors that I trust. + be from europe.

/u/Sticky_Herbalist · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 09:16 · Link

Usually there is either a reship or partial refund. If the buyer has more disputes it is often tagged by the vendors as a persona non grata.

/u/myd1ck · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:44 · Link

Reputation. Because what else do you want? Link aggregators? And how do you prove the legitimacy? What if Dread wasn't a thing, where are you going to complain? The situation ain't perfect.

/u/Str0XX · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 22:46 · Link

How to keep vendors real on p2p? They could do a bunch of scam strategys and get totally away with it.

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 23:15 · Link

some one should build a decentralised market... oh wait they did already.. hold on - what does decentralised market mean?

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 8th May, 2023 - 23:17 · Link

in seriousness. until someone builds a market that is run by an AI that has links to supply chain tracked drugs, centralised escrow is the best we can get. it's always going to be a risk mitigation of an imperfect system until then.

/u/white_thrash · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 03:23 · Link

sorry for my ignorance, but how wotks a I2P market¿?

/u/heavyweaponsguy · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 05:46 · Link

i2p? Such as /d/i2p (sub you dork) An i2p market would be a DN market that is based on i2p or maintains an i2p mirror. This mirror would be on the i2p network, which is a network designed for anonymity like the tor network. I think what you meant to ask is "but how wotks a P2P market¿?" Which is more relevant to this discussion. In that situation, read the rest of this topic, including about openbazzar. P2P markets are a novel idea and therefore there isn't a standard or notable successful example. openbazzar would be the closest but it can't stop getting repeatedly aborted like a chinese baby destined for dodgeball greatness dodging that American-made* hanger. The gist is that instead of users shopping at a DN marketplace controlled by a group, it's a decentralized market system that's not beholden to a central power. There are advantages and disadvantages, as well as ideas stoked about implementation, in this thread,and in the past on the DN generally. Whether its progression was real or not, the /d/AlphaBay decentralized market was at least a consolidation of a lot of ideas on the subject. The AB forums the same. (RIP) * The chinese might make everything else but the US still has the market cornered on abortion equipment. USAUSAUSA!

/u/white_thrash · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 13:02 · Link

ok, I am going to read the thread you told me, thanks mate

/u/hydronerd · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 05:00 · Link

AS A VENDOR (fucking douchebags), I would prefer to do peer-to-peer (AKA direct deals) because I wouldn't have to pay fees to markets. Some markets charge 5% or more on each transaction! But, of course there are a few problems with doing direct deals. For one, how do you keep growing your customer base without a market? Due to network effects, some markets eventually become very big and thus command large customer bases. To me, this is great because my products get more exposure and there is a higher chance for a purchase. Plus, potential customers can easily see if I have a good reputation and i'm trustworthy. Additionally, direct deals also require the trust of both parties involved. In the past, I have been ripped off by customers when I, for example, ship a pack before I receive payment (sometimes a customer may beg me to send a pack before the weekend, for example, while they still collect the money). And of course, I also could easily rip off a customer by simply not sending their pack after they pay. Markets obviously solve this problem by providing escrow and mediation services. But if there was a way I could reliable grow my customer base without the need for a market, I would certainly consider that approach.

/u/white_thrash · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 13:06 · Link

talking generally, as you may know, people are usually afraid of DD, myself as is normal, have to be so sure that the vendor i am dealing is really whosays he is, in other words, to do DD you have to state previously a great ot at least a honest reputation to let people trust you, as is the perfect field for scammers to take easily the money and run

/u/dreadburner01 · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 23:17 · Link

exactly, yeah!! i saw the bohemia account comment here and be completely against it because, obviously, a solution like this would cost markets millions or more. but for vendors and buyers, it would be a big win! regarding your networking concerns, maybe this could be solved with a partly centralised-partly decentralised thing? i think a system could be made with monero selective transparency somehow, but i'm unsure of the specifics at the moment.

/u/waktab · N/A votes · 9th May, 2023 - 15:01 · Link

Would it be cool if we could just teleport drugs from the dealers house???? Yeah it'd be cool and all but not really feasible

/u/AssahDeday · N/A votes · 10th May, 2023 - 07:07 · Link


/u/AutoModerator · N/A votes · 10th May, 2023 - 07:07 · Link

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