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what's the purpose of markets?

by /u/dreadburner01 · 0 votes · 8th May, 2023 21:32

okay, before you all downvote me to hell, let me explain. markets constantly exit scam or get raided, because they're centralised. customers have issues with markets doing shady stuff with their money - because the markets are centralised, so now the customer's money is too.

what're you getting at? well, i feel like our "markets" are too centralised right now. they're a gigantic single point of failure. i'm just wondering why you all still use markets instead of being like peer to peer completely when i feel like that'd be better. is the only reason you all use them because of the protections, like buyer and seller ones? because i feel like that could be solved in a p2p way, i'm just not entirely sure how yet.

anyway, sorry for the mini rant but i hope you all can respond and like explain some other benefits of markets rather than p2p that i've completely missed!

User: /u/sesquipedalian

seems 100% like a solvable issue with cryptography. i mean, we have atomic swaps, why not standard escrow?