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Please do not assume that because it is in a sealed bottle that farmapram is legit alprazolam pharmacy quality.

by /u/newbieforever2018 · 0 votes · 2024-04-19 19:10:00

Whispers in the wind suggest that it would not be impossible to create very profitable fakes. This is NOT directed toward any particular vendor(s) but rather in the spirit of harm reduction to make buyers treat this product as they would any pressed product that they buy. Blind faith is a bad safety practice. What is currently available may be exactly as claimed !!!!

No one is hospitalized nor are there bad test results. This is not to sound any alarm, merely a wake up call to buyers to never let down their guard.

Much thanks to anonymous sources.

Comments (6)
/u/TheBenzoLova · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 20:37 · Link

I never bought one and never will. I've heard stories that the cartel presses those, fuck that. Hell, the cheapest bottle is Boogieshoes at $200 a bottle. Why buy from him (no hate Boogie) when you get some from Grannyxannies which has bee tested and confirmed real Alp, for a lot more.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 21:41 · Link

I am glad that you mentioned no hate Boogie because his could be solid gold and it could be what /u/kingishere said is true, that the real danger is in loose pills.

/u/myscriptyourscript · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 21:01 · Link

Totally agree! I tried boogies and I felt it to be real ALP but granyxanies seems to be more accurately dosed and more a real ALP feeling. Every time I try farmapra I feel a bit of a speedy feeling and more need to redose. Could be all in my head.

/u/boogieshoes · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 00:49 · Link

Is Granny's really lab tested alprazolam?

/u/casketready · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 04:39 · Link

can anyone here vouch for boogieshoes? seen his prices and want to buy a bottle but not tryna get some pressed shit :(

/u/alx8100 · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 04:43 · Link

where does grannyxannies sell? i seen granny on bohemia but that's gone..

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 21:42 · Link

I find that etizolam gives me an urge to redose, much prefer alprazolam.

/u/TheBenzoLova · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 01:59 · Link

I love Etiz. I wish RC1 took XMR :( I want to buy lose powder but don't know anyone else but him, he only accepts BTC but for opsec I only make purchases with XMR.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 03:33 · Link

I asked him to consider it so hopefully he will in the future.

/u/TheBenzoLova · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 01:59 · Link

Yeah, people have submitted her pills to drugsdata.org and they always come up as alp

/u/TheBenzoLova · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 05:38 · Link

He's legit. Don't DD with him, just go on Archetype, he has 90 count sealed bottles for $200

/u/TheBenzoLova · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 05:39 · Link

Granny is on Archetyp

/u/kingishere · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 20:18 · Link

loose pills mostly aren't the real deal.. Blisters mostly 70/80 percent tends to be real.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 21:39 · Link

Thank you

/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 21st April, 2024 - 01:38 · Link

Was there some sort of scientific method applied here, or did you just invesnt these numbers? They may still be more accurate than anything I'd come up with, but I am just curious how you could possibly know percents

/u/kingishere · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 23:48 · Link

Every loose xanax baar 2mg or 3mg are fake , Pfizer and upjhon dont make them anymore it hurts lot of people when i say loose xanax baars are fake , it just makes you feel sick and want to pass out because people are pressing at home . we sell 3 brands of xanax all in 1mg because no pharmacy has 2mg available they do go lower mg .5 to .25. i know its not possible for every to get drug tested but its better to consume 1mg x2 pills then to consume fake home pressed 2mg . one of my buyer said my tramadol isnt strong enough(,that particular med had 100 percent positive review and was selling well) i asked that chap its 100mg get it tested , he replied my test is when i feel its strong enough to go numb , i said sir you might be taking fent laced pills , do an opiod test by urine kit and check them for fent test it will come clean . people dont know and dont want to listen what they are consuming

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 03:36 · Link

Thanks for your response. People who OD also likely go numb, not a great testing method.

/u/forbiddenfruit · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 01:51 · Link

You definitely can come across real 2mg bars now a days, pfizer doesn't produce the XANAX/2 so not those, but several other brands still produce alprazolam. You just won't come across them here because we'd grab someone's prescription of 120 tablets, at most usually. Rarely you can find a 500 or 1000 tablet sealed pharmacy bottle, they were coming up during Covid. Not much anymore, so not worth dealing with the deep dark web to sell 120 tablets. For american prescriptions like alprazolam, adderall, oxycodone, promethazine codeine, the markets/dread just aren't the place to find them in 2024 since it's not worth making a listing, advertising, doing escrow, etc. Anyone who can find them, also has people waiting to buy em.

/u/boogieshoes · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 02:03 · Link

Exactly, I haven't seen a pharmacy bottle of bars in years though, but had a 1000 tablet bottle of 1mg aurobindos come around not too long ago. It's interesting to see America kind of win the war against (prescription) drugs. You can smoke weed, take some weird RC, or do fent or tranq. Weird outcome! Mexico is still giving us a smooth supply of alprazolam at least!

/u/boogieshoes · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 00:44 · Link

Easy, find a vendor with the real ones :) o/

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 03:34 · Link

Precisely and especially with the best prices, amirite?

/u/cromulent · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 06:01 · Link

is there any way to tell by inspecting the bottle closely or do you have to test them to be sure? Also just because they test positive for alp that doesn't mean it's full 2mg right?

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 06:26 · Link

Correct. Nothing short of an EC lab test can give accurate results but experienced alp vendor can start with 1/4 bar and work up.

/u/BrohanSantana · N/A votes · 20th April, 2024 - 07:07 · Link

Thanks for this. I almost got into buying pretty big amounts of this until I started reading about it and looking it up. That's why I only stick to a select few vendors and get the same products. It's sad we have to test random shit that isn't even opiates for fent. Like why am I wasting a fent strip on an adderall? It's a fucking pandemic man. Reminds me of Willie Nelson when he said "I remember when a dime bag used to be a dime bag."

/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 21st April, 2024 - 01:37 · Link

Big ups on this post - people think that vendors can make fake pill presses but can't make a fake bottle with a label on it too? it just cost more so it's less likely but anything can be faked :) it's all a matter of is it WORTH faking?

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 21st April, 2024 - 03:12 · Link

I agree! Doesn't seem to generate the profit margin that meth adderalls would.