
N/A subscribers


If this post gets removed by staff means that CodeIsLaw has a romantic relationship with Octopus

by /u/Hourglass · 0 votes · 18th March, 2024 23:21

[removed by staff]

Comments (4)
/u/auraaura · N/A votes · 18th March, 2024 - 23:44 · Link

now THATS a big brain shitpost!!

/u/0verdosed · N/A votes · 18th March, 2024 - 23:58 · Link

[removed by staff] I think we know the answer to this now.... 😏

/u/NorthOfTheNeXus · N/A votes · 19th March, 2024 - 01:11 · Link


/u/johnshade · N/A votes · 19th March, 2024 - 00:40 · Link


/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 19th March, 2024 - 02:29 · Link

[removed by staff]

/u/auraaura · N/A votes · 19th March, 2024 - 02:58 · Link

[hacked by /u/CodeIsLaw]