
N/A subscribers


fuck bulk bars

by /u/FUCKBULKBARS · 0 votes · 31st March, 2021 02:16

made 2 orders 1 came way light like 100 out of 1k and were weak as fuck like 1mg alp if not some strange rc
second order never delivered after 10 days i disputed after extending escrow with no comms then i get an empty box and lost my dispute dont fuck with him
had better luck with a couple other vendors but never again

Comments (3)
/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 03:31 · Link

You literally just created this account to make this topic. So beyond your new account you are telling us that your first order came short and weak yet you ordered again. Totally credible.

/u/scortchedearth · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 03:34 · Link

OMG... I think this is the first time I've seen newbs throw that much shade!!!

/u/bulkbars · N/A votes · 11th April, 2021 - 19:27 · Link

i agree lolololol i love the hate from obvious competition vendors, its crazy tho, i see since all the hate i getting more sales lolol love life babyyyy

/u/omgcheckpoints · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 03:32 · Link

LoL crucified

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 03:35 · Link

I am trying to keep things credible here. OP could be a complete troll.

/u/scortchedearth · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 03:37 · Link

I ain't mad. I'm proud!

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 03:44 · Link

Too funny.

/u/scortchedearth · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 04:00 · Link

At this point, anyone that orders from him... I really feel like, uh, did you NOT see the shit storm that I really helped ignite... #heresyoursign

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 04:05 · Link

" #heresyoursign " You are funny.

/u/scortchedearth · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 04:25 · Link

At least when I show up to party, I fucking throw down. It's kinda cold... fuck it, burn the house down. Nothing like a good fire to party around hahaha

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 06:57 · Link

At this point, anyone who invites you to their party and acts surprised when their house burns down ... I really feel like, uh, did you NOT see his dread user name?

/u/scortchedearth · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 07:04 · Link

Bahahahaha. YAASSS. But honestly, it has never happen on purpose... and I did act like the south park kids playing fireman. I mean, one could argue that the hose would have worked better, but my way forced me to drink more beer faster.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 08:05 · Link

I will admit that this turned into a fun thread.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 11th April, 2021 - 20:35 · Link

I am happy that you are doing well with sales. One thing that I am trying to change is to get everyone to review their orders. Anyone with a complaint does not need motivation to post about it but satisfied customers often just go on about their day without posting a word about their great order.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 03:40 · Link

I don't know about OP but my market names are not the same as my dread name so if some vendor screwed me on a market I would be posting about it using this account. How would the vendor know which of the kpacks that he sold was mine? Certainly I am not going to post on both the market and here that the 137 bar order that I placed on 2/13/21 was bunk.

/u/scortchedearth · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 03:33 · Link

#welcometothefanclub esp the one to create a new account to piss on him... Shhhhhh, I swear this one didn't happen for the exact same thing. Sorry to hear about what happened, I know the feeling. I dunno when you placed your last order, but he was stripped of vendor status a couple weeks back. There are some great vendors out there if you need rec's...

/u/qt314 · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 03:47 · Link


/u/wagonwheel · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 05:46 · Link


/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 07:57 · Link

/u/wagonwheel I am giving you a second chance, probably more than I should do. Any more similar accounts and I won't hesitate to ban this account too. You are not being censored. Speak to your story and move on but I will not tolerate accounts created to imitate vendor accounts. That is how scams occur. You are carrying this whole thing way too far. Nothing was done to you even if he did lie to you about a seized pack and it does not justify this vendetta.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 06:37 · Link

/u/paris another attempt to clone my account. Could you please ban it, thanks. Same person behind both accounts.

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 11:21 · Link

banned. Thanks for the alert.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 11:22 · Link

Much appreciated buddy.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 11:25 · Link

Any chance to get rid of /u/Belli_911 as well - same person, cheers.

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 11:30 · Link

and gone too!

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 11:31 · Link

Outstanding! Thanks once again :)

/u/roundbiscuit · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 18:32 · Link

/u/Paris Just to let you know, what I did was clearly a joke (I mean "bellend"?, c'mon) and I can promise I'm not behind whatever that other account /u/Belli_911 he's talking about either. Just another belli lie and he knows it. He wanted me banned for exposing his "zero seizure" lie. Guess I walked myself into that one with my attempt at a joke. Just to be clear, I can still reveal his lying with backed up evidence on this site or no? I didn't know about the impersonator rule but it makes sense tbf. Even if I think "Bellend_91" was an obvious joke and not an attempt at cloning.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 18:41 · Link

You're a walking joke. If anyone can confirm a single seized order then you're Santa Claus. Read my reviews before you create drama on Dread. It's not needed. Yes, you made that account after trolling me for three days.

/u/roundbiscuit · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 19:07 · Link

I made the"bellend" account as a joke last night yes, I didn't make the other one though. That's a lie. Was it new? You probably made it yourself to get me banned knowing you. As for the seizure, YOU confirmed the seizure yourself in the comment that you deleted as soon as I showed you the thread, we've been over this. You're such a liar. So hi Santa Claus I guess. Newbie knows I asked you why you deleted the post admitting the seizure many times and you never answered or denied it. I know he'll be honest about that. I didn't create this drama, you did when you lied about a seizure and tried to cover it up. I was just asking questions about why you were acting shady about it.