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fuck bulk bars

by /u/FUCKBULKBARS · 0 votes · 31st March, 2021 02:16

made 2 orders 1 came way light like 100 out of 1k and were weak as fuck like 1mg alp if not some strange rc
second order never delivered after 10 days i disputed after extending escrow with no comms then i get an empty box and lost my dispute dont fuck with him
had better luck with a couple other vendors but never again

User: /u/roundbiscuit

/u/Paris Just to let you know, what I did was clearly a joke (I mean "bellend"?, c'mon) and I can promise I'm not behind whatever that other account /u/Belli_911 he's talking about either. Just another belli lie and he knows it. He wanted me banned for exposing his "zero seizure" lie. Guess I walked myself into that one with my attempt at a joke. Just to be clear, I can still reveal his lying with backed up evidence on this site or no? I didn't know about the impersonator rule but it makes sense tbf. Even if I think "Bellend_91" was an obvious joke and not an attempt at cloning.