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Where to hid drugs in your house in case of a raid?

by /u/DrugAddict · 0 votes · 22nd March, 2020 22:12


Comments (13)
/u/Richard_Bachman_Versus · N/A votes · 22nd March, 2020 - 22:28 · Link

Ask yourself this question, do you feel safe after doing this, if the answer is yes, then you have answered your own question. RB

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM · N/A votes · 22nd March, 2020 - 22:23 · Link

Where to hid drugs in your house in case of a raid? Just eat all mushrooms they wont notice your eating it.

/u/Jquillin · N/A votes · 22nd March, 2020 - 23:47 · Link

Wouldn't recommend hiding in light fixtures if their spot lights cause they pull down and are kinda 1 of the most obvious places to hide stuff. unless its a light that maybe hangs from roof a bit and you can take it from the roof itself and put back where it looks untouched then yeah wouldn't be that obvious. and yeah i personally think ordering weed hella risky due to smell, and even if the vendor packages up well enough for no smell it could somehow rip or some weed just hella smelly and can smell through multiple layers which is bad but. cant you order the weed elsewhere or find somewhere else to grow and hide the mushrooms that isnt really linked back to you ? Hide it where ever in your house isnt obvious and would take alot of work to get to and find.

/u/Aseanmarket · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 00:25 · Link

since it is mushroom, just put inside refrigerator and label as dinner :) Hint: After vacuum sealed, check your refrigerator door for some room behind the cover, or hack a few tiles self made underground safe box. Attach with some remote magnetic lock on tiles. Make sure to have support for tiles to avoid cracking. It takes time to build, but it's worth it :)

/u/DrugAddict · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 03:06 · Link


/u/TakingXans · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 07:42 · Link

During a raid, if they are thorough, air conditioning vents will be checked. If you feel same with the burying method, then I would say stick to that.

/u/Aseanmarket · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 17:10 · Link

Air conditioning vents are not recommended, they will check anything that can be dissemble. Floor is always the best choice. It is almost impossible to check through the whole floor. Burying is good, if the it dont look like someone dug it before. Grass and soil will be uneven, and possible damage when digging it. Consider the weather also

/u/CocaineBrain · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 00:35 · Link

Im not a seller but I grew too many magic mushrooms (~300gr) and ordering stuff from DNMs (mostly bud weed and LSD) makes me a little nervous. If you're not selling them and they are for personal use why are you worried? To get a search warrant they need evidence or probable cause so unless you're going around town telling everyone you have 300 grams of mushrooms it's super unlikely they would raid you.

/u/ADKOEAOJE · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 01:01 · Link

Did you not read the post? he said he orders things from the DN

/u/CocaineBrain · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 01:14 · Link

Yeah but personal amounts of weed or LSD?... not a big deal. He would have to fuck up a CD to get raided and I honestly doubt most LE departments would waste the time raiding someone over an ounce of weed or a few tabs of LSD.

/u/ADKOEAOJE · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 17:01 · Link

we could say the same thing for opsec then. Like "don`t use tails ecc." because the chances of getting raided for personal amounts are low.. always have TOP opsec, this includes having a place to stash your drugs

/u/CocaineBrain · N/A votes · 24th March, 2020 - 00:24 · Link

Sure you never want to compromise your OpSec and always be improving when you can. For someone who only uses PERSONAL amounts and isn't involved in distribution in any way having some crazy stash spot seems a little over the top to me... maybe my nuts are too big and my brain is too small *shrug* OP Your current set up sounds fine. I wouldn't go all out on an off-site stash that seems like overkill to me.

/u/stewert398 · N/A votes · 25th February, 2021 - 06:42 · Link

and what advice do you have for the guys in distribution?

/u/CocaineBrain · N/A votes · 28th February, 2021 - 23:50 · Link

Where you sleep: you keep personal use drugs and spending $ only Product: separate stash Cash: separate stash Weapons: separate stash These don't have to be houses storage units work just fine. Rent each one with a different fake ID

/u/stewert398 · N/A votes · 1st March, 2021 - 09:06 · Link

nice. like a mom and pop storage? or any would take a fake? and what about opsec on recieving packs ie. lb/lbs of bud as long as vendor stealth is a1 and have a clean house i wont order crazy amounts or is using drops better?

/u/CocaineBrain · N/A votes · 1st March, 2021 - 10:57 · Link

I'm gonna post a public OpSec guide on how to correctly set up amazing drops, however I can't quite yet..

/u/stewert398 · N/A votes · 1st March, 2021 - 11:12 · Link

nice. please bless us w that wisdom lol

/u/stewert398 · N/A votes · 1st March, 2021 - 11:14 · Link

so short and sweet , is it not a good idea to recieve lbs if i dont have a drop at the moment ?everything has landed so far and i keep a clean house when somethings coming

/u/CocaineBrain · N/A votes · 1st March, 2021 - 11:17 · Link

"good idea" "safe" these are all subjective to your own OpSec and levels of risk you are comfortable with. Personally if it was me, I'd be shipping lbs of weed to my home addy all day. But I wouldn't if I lived in a state like Texas or Florida

/u/stewert398 · N/A votes · 1st March, 2021 - 11:26 · Link

nice preciate u man real talk u gave a lil peace of mind lol and do u say that bc of the legality of the weed in illegal states or like for example saying texas law is harsh bc i do know texas law is shit lol bc im not thinking ur in a legal state or am i wrong?

/u/CocaineBrain · N/A votes · 1st March, 2021 - 11:55 · Link

I can't confirm whether or not I'm in a legal state all I'd say is that in my state people aren't stressing about landing weed backs

/u/stewert398 · N/A votes · 1st March, 2021 - 14:03 · Link

damn lol well im guessing as long as stealth is a1 ill continue shipping to home addy till something happens to where i need a new drop thanks alot for the advice bro

/u/sleepyy · N/A votes · 4th March, 2021 - 00:56 · Link

Yo send ittt, been racking my brain on this shit for months lol

/u/BurntSpoonBert · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 00:42 · Link

Dude all I can tell you is, "The snozberries taste like snozberries."

/u/EmpBomb · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 00:50 · Link

There's nothing wrong of being paranoid, it helps to keep you safe and keeping good Opsec if things went south. Since you started to bury in the ground, don't forget to add Charcoal inside the jars it will absorb the moisture and humidity.

/u/DrugAddict · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 02:57 · Link

yes. I put deccant packs inside the the jar and inside the vacuum sealed bag

/u/spaced_out · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 02:13 · Link

buy mushrooms meant for eating at the store. Throw them away and put your magic shrooms in the bag and put it in your fridge. I don't think drug dogs can smell shrooms.

/u/DrugAddict · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 02:58 · Link

I think this might be too risky. Dry Gourmet mushrooms usually are mosly caps. my harvest has a lot of pins and thin mushrooms.

/u/spaced_out · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 04:41 · Link

I don't think most cops are mushroom enthusiasts. They would probably not even look in the fridge. Even if they did they probably wouldn't notice.

/u/GammaHB · N/A votes · 26th March, 2020 - 05:17 · Link

Get a five gallon or smaller bucket with a gamma lid. Vacuum seal goods twice then pack into mason jars. Bury all goods in backyard. Finito.

/u/noseblown · N/A votes · 26th March, 2020 - 13:50 · Link

You chop them up and put in honey , or throw them in a bottle of liqour that's dark glass like jager, grind em up and put them in a seasoning container, melt some chocolate vaccumseal em and put em in there, maybe make a candle and store em in there Idk just writing as my mind ticks along, your not getting raided over even probably 100 pounds of mushrooms, unless they are fentanyl mushrooms

/u/Baltasar · N/A votes · 22nd March, 2020 - 23:31 · Link

ur paranoid. mushrooms are almost legal

/u/turtlebyte · N/A votes · 23rd March, 2020 - 00:10 · Link

Oregon was the first state to decriminalize cannabis in 1973. So ya... mushrooms will be legal in almost every state by 2060.

/u/AppleSauceDNM · N/A votes · 22nd March, 2020 - 22:14 · Link

in your bum

/u/olivernorth · N/A votes · 22nd March, 2020 - 22:19 · Link

in you booty lmao