
N/A subscribers


Bohemia Data Leak

by /u/0verdosed · 0 votes · 23rd January, 2024 23:35

Does anyone have a copy of the data leak ?

I would love to take a gander over everything that actually got leaked

im sure plenty of other individuals would also like to see the contents of the leak.

This as a good reminder to always encrypt everything sensitive you send and receive


Comments (4)
/u/Fyodor-MD · N/A votes · 23rd January, 2024 - 23:36 · Link

yes id like to see it too.

/u/0verdosed · N/A votes · 24th January, 2024 - 00:11 · Link

calling upon /u/codeislaw to dump the data

/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 24th January, 2024 - 00:24 · Link

It was posted on Dread a couple weeks ago, It was a paste from 2 years ago, I'm not sure how to validate the Authenticity of it though as it is just a paste containing loads of Names and addresses.

/u/Odlyevenrecover · N/A votes · 24th January, 2024 - 00:28 · Link

Hmm Interesting 2 Years Ago.. Thanks For Letting Us Know!

/u/Gambetta · N/A votes · 24th January, 2024 - 04:16 · Link

Good point. Maybe it takes users away from markets because they think PGP is complicated. Same if marker I seized Good to see markets enforcing it now

/u/trippinballz · N/A votes · 24th January, 2024 - 17:02 · Link

yess bro evritings leaked trynot to shit ur pants playa when federal bureau of investigation knocks knocks whos there

/u/0verdosed · N/A votes · 24th January, 2024 - 21:59 · Link

I really just wanted to see the leaked data im not worried :) Still havent actually seen the data dump anywhere

/u/Odlyevenrecover · N/A votes · 24th January, 2024 - 00:30 · Link

I Think For The Sake Of Customers Still Using Other DNM's, Its Best For Them To Just Keep It As A PSA And If You Did Send Any Info Un-PGP'd, Clean House To Be Safe.. No Need To Re-DOX People To Randoms On Dread..

/u/slimparsnip · N/A votes · 24th January, 2024 - 01:36 · Link

Dude you don't have to capitalize the first letter of every word. You are going to give someone a seizure.