
N/A subscribers


PSA: Cypher admin MIA and 502 timeouts when entering cypher

by /u/Hourglass · 0 votes · 2024-04-13 09:47:00

Cypher is having a lot of issues lately, but one of the more concerning ones is the fact that /u/Cypher is MIA, as seen in the warning banner⚠️ in /d/Daunt
In addition, you currently get a 502 timeout error when solving endgame.⚠️
I'd advise everyone to avoid this market until we have some information about what's actually going on here

Check out this post for more info about the vendors that are missing withdrawals --> /post/cd0e9bf9e44a0436a03e


04/14/2024 -- 10:17 UTC

Both cypher mirrors are now OFFLINE, we still don't have response from cypher admin or support.

04/14/2024 -- 11:26 UTC

Both public mirrors are back ONLINE. Still getting a 502 timeout when solving endgame captcha.

Comments (25)
/u/porkypig · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 18:36 · Link

If I recall the 500 error contained some message around it can't find the server host or can't talk to it also recommended some basic troubleshooting things for the user like new identity new route things like that obviously that's not gonna work so my hunch is that the endgame program is running on a different host than the actual website which architecturally kind of makes sense and nothing more than that. Hopefully the staff over it cipher are safe and we will hear from them soon. it is rare for a staff to sit idle so long with no communications, knowing that their website is losing vendors and customers, and likely too many to fund support (humans and machines) from a once healthy revenue stream.

/u/anonanonanon123456 · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 21:57 · Link

Shutdown or exact scam

/u/porkypig · N/A votes · 15th April, 2024 - 05:39 · Link

and now, the sub has become the land of ads!!

/u/randezvous · N/A votes · 15th April, 2024 - 06:20 · Link

It's actually happening...wow..

/u/KeVita · N/A votes · 15th April, 2024 - 01:14 · Link

What also sucks about these situations is you develop a false sense of trust with vendors. I lost $225 from an order place in Cypher from this situation, the vendor I went through gave me a list of other markets he is on as well as his Telegram handle for direct contact for orders. I made the mistake of not wanting to deal with this again and tbh I took the lazy route as I didn't want to sign up with another market so I chose to place an order with him via Telegram. The vendor's customer service was spot on in Cypher, communication was clear and prompt. The VERY FIRST order I made with him outside a market the script was flipped. Paid for overnight shipping....didn't happen, vendor told me direct customer's are provided instant tracking.....The tracking number provided still states "Label created, not yet in the system" three days after my order. Communication has essentially stopped and he hasn't replied to these issues I brought up. The tracking number was for priority shipping so hopefully my order comes tomorrow but red flag after red flag tells me it won't. I'll release the vendor's name tomorrow if nothing shows up but I hope others read this and remember to NEVER deal with vendors outside of markets.