
N/A subscribers


Cypher withdrawal issues [Be warned!]

by /u/DigitalSin · 0 votes · 2024-04-11 15:40:00

As some people might have already noticed Cypher market has issue's with the withdrawal of funds.

Multiple users and vendors (also me) already gave their concern on some posts.

Up until now no announcement has been given by Cypher market themselves.

Let me come clear what happend and what my thought is on this issue.

2 weeks ago I found a bug in (/u/samwhiskey and /u/paris can confirm).
This bug wasn't that spectecular but still it was vurnable to spill information.
After giving this information to the staff on here I also contacted Cypher market, until now they still have not responded in an clear manner to me (how someone should normally behave when finding a bug).

The only thing they replied with was "who did you tell about this".
Nothing more came from them.

At 26th they probably tried to fix the bug that was shown.
Within that process they messed something up that made them "resend" the withdrawals from orders that been marked as delivered for multiple times.

Why do I think this?
Because I received multiple funds.

They send me the following on 26th March for 15x times:

[Time: 19:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 21:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 21:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 21:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 21:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 21:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 21:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 21:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 21:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 21:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 22:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 22:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 22:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 22:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR
[Time: 22:xx] 1.0xxxxxxxx XMR

Also the vendor /u/CANNAMAIL mentioned the same on a post that was deleted by a moderator: /post/e8f0ce774019a4374ecd

On the 27th of March, they did a "Maintance". This maintance probably needed to try to not get thing more out of hand.

List of people having issues with withdrawal since they went for maintance:

User: /u/emperorbruhlius

User: /u/cmoneycmoney345

User: /u/NancyBotwin2021

User: /u/DreamWeaver

User: /u/MerrianWebster

User: /u/iamkaws

User: /u/eb314cda

User: /u/kingishere

User: /u/IcyGrape


Most of the people mentioned above are vendors, so please don't say it's shilling or whatsoever.

People be warned.

Comments (15)
/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 11th April, 2024 - 16:24 · Link

The post made by /u/CANNAMAIL was deleted for spreading FUD. You can't just go over one of dread's larger communities shouting "X MARKET IS EXIT SCAMMING" just for having a withdrawal problem. We all know that Cypher is having some issues now, we could just wait for an answer instead of making 5 post of "Cypher scams" a day.

/u/iamkaws · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 00:03 · Link

Its not FUD, I have been missing withdralws for over 5 days now. Support on the site is ghost and support on dread is brushing it off. The admin hasn't said a word and now more vendors are posting about it on the cypher page. Go check it out bro.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 11th April, 2024 - 21:20 · Link

I believe that people are too trigger happy due to how many markets have gone down recently. I imagine more so for vendors who are the biggest losers when markets tank.

/u/DigitalSin · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 13:35 · Link

Well if someone lost money and also there are a lot more and nobody gives correct answers. Than let's be honest, someone saying things the wrong is not the biggest issue. Sometimes It's not about how to message is said. It's about that it is said.

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 21:14 · Link

posting a title categorically saying the market is scamming at this point is FUD. the title of this post was edited and is much more acceptable considering it's just stating facts and asking for community input. words matter.

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 09:56 · Link

How the fuck can you edit titles?

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 10:09 · Link

bad use of words. meant OP reposted with a new title.

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 10:16 · Link

Oh that makes more sense

/u/porkypig · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 15:11 · Link

I do see value in posting something that basically says you're not the only one maybe a little comforting maybe a little concerning but knowing that it's a widespread issue helps in context. Also, I think that any market that owns control of funds, especially for they're not their own kind of living in the dark ages. At this point there are other business models that you can put on a market. For example of pay to play charge a flat fee every single month and then any percentage that you get off, the top comes in the form of a bill (royalties + subscription fees) and if that vendor doesn't pay up, their account is shut down. why any marketplace would be wanting responsibility over funds given the beating up that they're going to get when something goes south is beyond me

/u/TaxEvader319 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 16:51 · Link

I Am Also Missing Money. I Have 2 Orders That Have Been Delivered, And I Havent Gotten Paid For.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 11th April, 2024 - 17:12 · Link

It is odd how this multiple payout issues has arisen on Bohemia (buh bye), Supermarket (absorbed the losses from their own pockets, outstanding) and now allegedly with Cypher. Coincidence or is there an unknown malware/hacker out there who knows how to initiate this multiple payout exploit ? Good luck to Cypher recovering from this. We have already lost too many dnms this year.

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 11th April, 2024 - 17:15 · Link

There is a known XMR bug. That Supermarket managed to fix, maybe there is someone capable of exploiting it, but I'm sure we'd already know

/u/Super_godman · N/A votes · 11th April, 2024 - 17:41 · Link

this isnt the first time cypher has taken n L. their btc wallet has been drained before as well.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 11th April, 2024 - 23:11 · Link

I need to go take a look and see what is up with that market. If they are aware of wallet drains I would assume they would take the market into maintenance mode. Not a good look to keep accepting deposits but blocking withdrawals but only time will tell.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 11th April, 2024 - 21:18 · Link

That is a shame. Hopefully they are able to fix it before it gets out of control.

/u/CurbsideService · N/A votes · 11th April, 2024 - 23:25 · Link

Am I missing something? What are these Withdrawal Issues [Be Warned] please clarify! This is my paycheck......

/u/DigitalSin · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 13:27 · Link

As written above, a lot of users, mostly vendor's still have not received their funds from Cypher Market. Cypher Market made a mistake by sending witdrawals multiple times where some vendor's received an sum amount x15 - 17x of times.

/u/SmartyMcFly · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 13:57 · Link

I'm sure glad I didn't get hit with the x15 Withdrawal That would have been *Awkward*

/u/BusinessClass · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 17:12 · Link

have we missed something? is someone still having issues with the market?

/u/CurbsideService · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 18:00 · Link

We've been awaiting withdrawals since April 7th, none have been sent. SO, when it Walks like a Duck, and Quacks like a Duck, it's USUALLY a DUCK!!!! I really really hope there is an honest explanation, but.... it doesn't look good.

/u/atomics · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 18:33 · Link

Vendor here: We are unfortunately missing withdrawls as well and support ticket not being responded to. Hopefully just a technical issue but in light of other recent market actions. It doesnt bode well.

/u/QualiMoon · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 22:26 · Link

You will be unbanned 4-20-2026

/u/ilikemeee · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 07:17 · Link

same problem, waiting for payout. Maybe they work on it or they dont ? Now it shows me "502 Timeout"

/u/blackhousemarket · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 07:43 · Link

i have asame problem

/u/cmoneycmoney345 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 08:25 · Link

cypher stole my money and doesnt answer support ticket..... fuck them liers dishonest trash i am a vendor so my word counts

/u/ChemicalsInChains · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 10:24 · Link

And this is why im on only drughub and doing direct deals only now i dont have to worry about thousands and thousands of dollars being stolen from me ive created such a reputation that i dont need these markets honestly! Markets are seriously becoming a thing of the past or atleast they are becomign that for me!!! If drughub exits im definitely done with DNM'S!!! Good luck everyone who is envolved in losing alot of coin, i really feel for you guys!!! since march 2023 ive lost around $18000 due to these markets exit scamming & i just cant not take anymore loses i refuse toooooo!!!

/u/kingishere · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 15:50 · Link

definitely first incognito then nemesis , soo much greed, buyers are also loosing interest from these markets.

/u/sesquipedalian · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 00:39 · Link

[pending moderation]

/u/bobby_hamburger12 · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 04:40 · Link


/u/bobby_hamburger12 · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 04:41 · Link


/u/ephedup · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 17:42 · Link

I just found this thread but feel I should add that I also received a duplicate auto-withdraw. I thought, hmm, exact same amount, were 2 orders for same amount placed within a few minutes before the rate adjusted? also a friend of mine was in the middle of making a really big purchase and the vendor refused his purchase due to previous order failing to finalize when it was told to. another recently troublesome bug on cypher. so due to that bug, my friend has been waiting a few days for cypher to refund several thousand bucks for an order which got rejected by the vendor after a cypher system bug caused complication with their previous transaction...