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A message from Blitzversand

by /u/Blitzversand_Support · 0 votes · 6th June, 2023 13:39

We think it is a very good thing that people keep an eye on scammers, but that we are accused of being someone we are not, without any concrete indications or evidence, can be called scandalous.

We (and a number of other vendors) have been attacked for a week now with various untruths, this person or persons also use multiple newly created accounts and vote manipulation, when we defend ourselves and deploy a counter attack against the vote manipulation and lies we are banned and the evildoers are still posting untruths on Dread under multiple fresh created alt accounts. I wonder what vendor's payroll these cockroaches are on. It's sad but true, apparently that's how this platform works now. We are chatting with /u/HugBunter, to get our dread account unbanned and we have faith in a good outcome. We comply with dread rules and it was against the rules to play for our own judge, we should have contacted the Dread staff about the lies and FUD and wait patiently to get it solved. We learned from this mistake and again, will comply with these rules in the future.

We have investigated into ONEMILLION and NO-LIMIT and these accounts and their behaviour do not even slightly match ours, they sold other products, etc. so we don't understand how this person even come up with accusations like this, this way you can accuse anyone of being someone they are not.

We invested a lot of money in products and market bonds and doing our best to deliver good products to our customers and things like this are energy draining, it's just not fair that somebody can make false claims without any proof or evidence and bomb it with multiple alt accounts on dread and upvote there nonsense, shit man, these accounts even respond to themselves. If you dig deep into it, you can correlate the activity of these accounts, they all post at the same time, loging in and out from account to account. Some person really has too much time on his hands. This must be an attack from a competative vendor or so. Here look both accounts /u/FCBarcelona and /u/chickpea1999 for example are posting at the same time, both focuses on the same task, spreading fud and lies. You could say this is a coincidense but we do not believe that. Both accounts have never had interest in us before, both accounts never ordered from us, but are spreading false claims. /u/chickpea1999 is even reaction under this thread, attacking us with false claims, calling us names, why would a random person do this? All these accounts have the same motives, trying to destroy our reputation.


The vote manipulation is even going on on this thread. We made over 150 clients happy, have no negative ratings inside the markets, have happy reviewers on Dread but somehow this post gets downvoted? Just does not makes sense. People are not stupid and the truth will win. We are here to stay!

Here are some of the accounts that are responsible for the false accusations and spreading the lies.

/u/TalibanDonkey001 /u/TalibanDonkey002 /u/iaintnoboat /u/SuperSpeedBros /u/rent-a-shill /d/donkeyverse
/u/FCBarcelona /u/AANVOER_ate_my_hamster /u/PINCHEHUEVON /u/You_Are_ONEMILLION /u/onceadonkeyalwaysadonkey and many more.

We are also banned from an subdread named /d/SpainisDiferent known for spreading fud and bullshit about us, reason of ban: ''Spammer''. http://dumpliwoard5qsrrsroni7bdiishealhky4snigbzfmzcquwo3kml4id.onion/image/39ed6f9ba7139413.png

More proof that the FUD is coming from the same accounts:

The owner/starter of the subdread /d/SpainisDiferent is /u/Furulante, he has been banned for attempting to extort money, he was also known to have dozens of alt accounts and extort vendors and users.

See this quote from /u/HugBunter

You're completely wrong... the mod literally tried to extort him for money to be removed from this list. I look out for everyone here and sometimes wrong decisions are made, but obviously I do my best given whatever context... in this case the Mod was removed for the action of attempting to extort money from a user.

Its obvious to us and it should be obvious to you that this all is a baseless attack to our business.

We do not have time and energy for this, and want to focus on making people happy and making sure they recieve their orders as fast as possible, this whole situation is obvious giving us extra work, I took some of my free time, which I do not have much off, to make things clear for ya'll with this post. Hopefully everyone is wise enough to draw their own conclusions and see what is going on here and not just blindly believe all these untruths. Do your own research and you will come to the conclusion that these are baseless allegations.


We are unbanned! We are here to stay baby!

I have unbanned /u/Blitzversand I don't think you meant anything malicious, and you did own up to everything very quickly which I give you credit for. A lot of people will just argue with us and try to say it wasn't them.

You and speedlab were both hit with a lot of fud, and vote manipulation. I do understand it's important for vendors to be able to defend themselves and have a platform to speak on. Just please keep in mind, if we let fud, and vote manipulation go on this platform would turn into a shit hole filled with chaos.

We did purge a lot of the accounts spreading fud and even corrected a lot of the scores. If you see more fud being spread, or vote manipulation going on please send us a message in modmail so that we can handle it.

Let's make something positive out of all this negative attention:



Find us at:
- Bohemia Market
- Abacus Market
- Archetyp Market
- Kerberos Market
- Cypher Market
- Kingdom Market
- Royal Market


User: /u/deerp

Thank you for taking the time to send such a detailed reply /u/shakybeats Hopefully this will be a fresh start for all as I don't know about you friend but I'm fed up with this now. /u/Blitzversand_Support I apologise for asking you if you were responsible for the Speedlab posts. As all this happened at the same time, I assumed you did this to try and deflect from all the accusations you were getting. I would never have accused you outright of this Blitzversand but maybe I could have said it better. We will see how things go. Just please Blitzversand don't start spamming your adverts again. You're aware of how many adverts you can post a month. If you wish to change accounts to send adverts from specifically then just send mod mail a message but if you do change accounts for advert purposes, it will mean any other account cannot be used for this purpose so have a think if you wish to use another account and let us know please. I honestly didn't know what to think about the One Million business as I said earlier, I didn't know him but hope this is the end of this now as I want to enjoy this orange speed I acquired today ;)