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New shop opening of established vendor. SPECIAL OFFER ON EDIBLES
- /u/bankdrop98 30th May, 2020 - 00:05 Awesome, I'll keep a look out :)

by /u/JackOfWeed · 2020-05-29 22:15:00 in /d/Monopoly

0 votes · 9 comments

- /u/bankdrop98 30th March, 2019 - 03:19 Bro. I have a few experiences with this! Be very fucking careful. There's a manifesto out there that talks about LE. They come in to cause chaos and disarray.
There's a few guys playing and when they feel like their alias is done. They burn it and start over.

They're cracking down.

by /u/Tori_AnonyMOuS · 29th March, 2019 05:45 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 26 comments

/u/HugBunter (Admin of dread) Scammed me!?
- /u/bankdrop98 13th September, 2019 - 18:55 Hug, you don't need to feed these trolls. You weren't in the wrong. It's kinda fucked up that the OP felt they were entitled to everything resuming as if nothing happened.

by /u/LindaMoney · 13th September, 2019 13:08 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 63 comments

/u/HugBunter (Admin of dread) Scammed me!?
- /u/bankdrop98 13th September, 2019 - 17:18 Sad that you can't read through the lines. The man did something. The other dude dipped out & expects everything to go on as if nothing happened. C'mon now, this is the DW.

by /u/LindaMoney · 13th September, 2019 13:08 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

0 votes · 63 comments