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PSA: Cypher admin MIA and 502 timeouts when entering cypher
- /u/ILIKEALP4ME 🍼 14th April, 2024 - 19:57 I have actually had 4 successful refunds/withdrawals that faceless put through for me in the past few weeks. I was expecting the same thing and then all of the sudden this started happening. I don't believe them to be exit scamming, since this is the perfect chance for them to up their game after the fall of a few key DN Markets recently. I believe them to be beefing up their security and making sure the market is secure, especially after the fall of nemesis and incognito! in the mean time though, Ive been looking around for Markets and there's all kinds of new and willing markets lined up and ready to fill the power vacuum! All I want is a market that has a selection of REAL alprazolam power, like like alphabay, but there will never be a marketplace that will ever be better! it was the amount of vendors/customers/customer service/simple but elegant platform and back then there was a huge market for alprazolam powder and now it's nearly impossible to find the real thing. Does anyone know why alp powder is so hard to find and why now they tend to go with options like bromazolam/flualprazolam and many other analogues, some of which are very dangerous and potent and the half lives are over a hundred hours, so you could take to much and just wake up in a jail cell, ugh, there's some really bad stuff out there. so going back to Alprazolam powder... What happened? it's easy to synthesize, so someone could easy do it in the US. China does, in crazy amounts, but it's the problem of getting from there to here, which can be problematic. also, if you find a manufacturer that you can deal with, the minimum is measured by the kilo and sometimes even tons! Now that's just ridiculous! If anyone has a line on a legitimate alprazolam powder vendor, please let me know. They are like unicorns these days!

by /u/Hourglass · 2024-04-13 09:47:00 in /d/CafeDread

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