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XannyDaddy drama but no one's asking HB if he's cool with it?
- /u/MJA20WithA3 📢 30th July, 2018 - 14:24 So if a vendor is selling Oxys that are secretly fent pressed and he has an advertisement on Dread, we shouldn't consider removing it?

by /u/MJA20WithA3 · 29th July, 2018 23:32 in /d/Xanax

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XannyDaddy drama but no one's asking HB if he's cool with it?
- /u/MJA20WithA3 📢 30th July, 2018 - 14:23 What, does it say it's Flub now? As if you're not mis-advertising I suppose that's fine. I just can't believe the community would want Dread advertising vendors selling the wrong drugs to users, imagine if it was Fent instead of Flub.

by /u/MJA20WithA3 · 29th July, 2018 23:32 in /d/Xanax

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XannyDaddy drama but no one's asking HB if he's cool with it?
- /u/MJA20WithA3 📢 30th July, 2018 - 14:22 So if a vendor is selling Oxys that are secretly fent pressed and he has an advertisement on Dread, we shouldn't consider removing it? Wtf do you guys ever even think sometimes.

by /u/MJA20WithA3 · 29th July, 2018 23:32 in /d/Xanax

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XannyDaddy drama but no one's asking HB if he's cool with it?
- /u/MJA20WithA3 📢 1st August, 2018 - 09:09 lol the Bar-community always does seem like a separate Cell from the rest of the DNM community.

by /u/MJA20WithA3 · 29th July, 2018 23:32 in /d/Xanax

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XannyDaddy drama but no one's asking HB if he's cool with it?
- /u/MJA20WithA3 📢 30th July, 2018 - 21:52 If a vendor that was advertised on Dread became a honeypot would you want it still advertised on Dread?

by /u/MJA20WithA3 · 29th July, 2018 23:32 in /d/Xanax

0 votes · 35 comments