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when you login it say you want to be 1 hr 2hr 4hr 24hr. What is purpose of this if someone cant see when you logged in and online.
- /u/Reveal1119 5th March, 2024 - 22:58 auto kill switch for login...

makes it ur choice to stay on but, helps to not forget to log out... just incase actual device is taken/used... say by your kid/spouse/LE etc...

I set mine at like double what i expect time to be so, i avoid frustration of having to log in again... but, do find the auto log off to be very good idea


by /u/iamghost · 2024-02-11 02:54:00 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 7 comments

Dread Donation
- /u/Reveal1119 5th March, 2024 - 22:34 silly head here...

would like to donate or pay for member status in next couple of weeks but, never bought crypto before...

any way to buy without knowledge/ownership of crypto?


by /u/awaydolly · 2024-02-13 11:47:00 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 9 comments

Why even bother having Canary for Dread?
- /u/Reveal1119 5th March, 2024 - 22:33 monday morning quarterbacking

sure they have unfinished to-do list

me too

maybe we should submerge in water and see if they float occasionally?

by /u/thepianistpolarwind · 2024-02-22 16:10:00 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 10 comments

[feat req] what's the reasoning behind no bios?
- /u/Reveal1119 4th March, 2024 - 12:28 LOL! This made me laugh around 4am... thx

by /u/eos · 2024-03-02 23:11:00 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 11 comments

Why do comments need to be more than 5 characters long?
- /u/Reveal1119 7th March, 2024 - 01:59 its like an iq test to screen out five-0

sub100club u know?

by /u/snowboarder · 2024-03-06 16:22:00 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 10 comments