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MrWhite am I out of line?

by /u/PsycheShop · 13th January, 2021 23:17 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

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Darknet Markets News

by /u/samwhiskey · 21st August, 2023 - 12:09 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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MrWhite am I out of line?

by /u/PsycheShop · 13th January, 2021 23:17 in /d/WhiteHouseMarket

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Comments by User

ASAP is online. Withdrawals are enabled. Vulnerabiltiy has been patched.
- /u/PsycheShop 9th August, 2022 - 18:03 I had $8k locked up in this. I could have lost it all. But admin decided to bail me(us) out so the least I can do is donate $500 as well. So I will also donate $500. Thanks for not screwing us.

by /u/LeChacal · 9th August, 2022 11:50 in /d/ASAP

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Is it good to have so many DNMs?
- /u/PsycheShop 9th August, 2022 - 02:31 There used to only be 3 for drugs; Silk Road, Black Market Reloaded, and Atlantis (I doubt anyone remembers that one). Before that there were dozens for fraud starting with Shadow Crew being the first real big one but you would have to be over 40 to know about those ;-P

by /u/lavanlark · 8th August, 2022 04:56 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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[PSA] MEGATHREAD ASAP Market withdrawals disabled - NO FUD - but please advise your experiences.
- /u/PsycheShop 5th May, 2023 - 12:38 This is not a big deal. This has happened countless times. Remember even last year ASAP got hacked, lots all or most funds, was down for a while because of it, and came back and paid everyone out of their own pocket (anyone else would have just said "fuck it, we will just start another site and leave with what funds we have left"). I trust ASAP more than any other site at this moment and I shouldn't because as the #1 site which has been around a while that is when you start to get more and more nervous as you know the time when they have decided they are done is getting closer and closer. But I feel completely comfortable with them.

by /u/dontlaugh · 5th May, 2023 08:27 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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Monopoly Market Admin Arrested
- /u/PsycheShop 28th June, 2023 - 12:22 "moving between blockchains used to document all cryptocurrency transactions to “clean” his illicit proceeds"

I'd be interested to know which blockchains he was using. If it was btc to xmr to btc then I would think the exchange used would have need to have help LE unless there is something we don't know about their recent advances in chain analysis.

by /u/Epigram · 26th June, 2023 20:37 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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- /u/PsycheShop 12th November, 2023 - 13:07 Most vendors including myself have gotten all our funds but very late. There were some big big vendors who up to 2 days ago were still complaining about having large amounts of money missing for months but then yesterday most of them claimed they all got paid. There still might be a couple vendors out there with legit payment issues not associated with having broken rules but it seems most have been made whole. The biggest factor right now is the big delays in withdrawals. It is like they took care of their months long ledger/bug/theft issues by giving the vast majority of people their money but doing so by withholding larges amounts from a handful of very top guys. Now that that seems to have been resolved it seems they are now greatly delaying withdrawals by paying for them with new money that comes in. It seems like they really have been trying to get back to an honest site with accounting tricks and loopholes for months now due to a ledger issue that may have or may not have been fixed yet. I think the honest intent is there, but if they have an accounting issue they haven't been able to fix yet then all the good will and intentions in the world will eventually not be able to fix it. In the end all ponzi schemes (even unintentional ones just meant to temporarily fix an accounting issue) come to an end.

by /u/prettypacks · 11th November, 2023 21:18 in /d/Bohemia

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