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Conversion of DMT Fumarate to DMT Freebase (Some Note about DMT's Properties)
- /u/socat2me 📢 26th January, 2022 - 10:05 It is a thing but as you've probably gathered it isn't always so straightforward as full ionization of the polyprotic acid with each acidic proton being replaced by the base at a 1:1 ratio. With some of the examples you listed, like sulfate, the parent acid is so strong that you'll always get full ionization (although monobasic sodium phosphate is actually a thing too--phosphorous and sulfur can do hypervalency/octet expansion) however with systems of weak acids and weak bases sometimes things can get a little messy, especially if you happen to have a system containing multiple acids and bases (which is a big part of why units of equivalence are used in medicine).

With almost any system it has an overall neutral charge, but there is a mixture of different moieties that are at an equilibrium with each other, with the extent to which any given one is formed being governed by reaction conditions, but also by all the dissociation constants in the system (usually expressed with as a function of the negative logarithm operation denoted by p, i.e. pKa = -log[Ka] with the dissociation constant Ka being in units of molarity).

As a simple example, amphetamine sulfate is dibasic, but amphetamine phosphate exists in the dibasic and monobasic (amphetamine biphosphate) form.

For salt formation one of the factors is the pKa of the alkaloid's conjugate acid versus the pKa of the proton on the parent acid. For example, H2SO4 has two acidic protons, with pKa1 = of

by /u/socat2me · 2022-01-22 19:31:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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Convert #3 heroin to HCL #4
- /u/socat2me 11th February, 2022 - 01:17 You might also be interested in this post I made a while back: /post/846a748f4ebea577b91e

About how to perform the reverse reaction--obtaining pure #3 crystals from #4 H (since you mentioned purification in a comment here). If you start with #4, do that procedure, and then convert it back to the hydrochloride you can obtain extremely high purity H.

by /u/ThePerculator · 2022-01-31 04:56:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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Convert #3 heroin to HCL #4
- /u/socat2me 7th February, 2022 - 02:53 #3 heroin in it's raw base form, aka the "free" base. #4 is just the hydrochloride salt. The hydrochloride salt is soluble in water and other polar solvents, while the #3 is soluble in nonpolar solvents.

In order to convert #3 to #4 you can dissolve it in an organic solvent like hexane and then bubble dry HCl through it. This conversion can be done the same way as the last stage of a methamphetamine workup where the meth is "gassed", so you can look up how that is done and replicate the steps, substituting your #3 solution for the solution that contains the meth base. This will cause the hydrochloride salt to precipitate out of solution. Once no more is precipitating out, evaporate off the solvent.

You can generate HCl by setting up a pressure equalized addition funnel filled with H2SO4 to drop onto NaCl. An alternative setup is just dropping HCl onto CaCl2 (100g of 35% HCl added to 100g of CaCl2 will generate ~15g of HCl gas).

Whatever step you use, I'd advise adding an intermediate air trap, and also some kind of drying stage that the HCl gas will pass through first, such as bubbling through H2SO4 or passing through CaCl2. If you don't ensure the gas is dry you can end up with a waxy/oily resin instead of crystals.

You might also want to look into a piece of glassware called a gas washing bottle, since it's basically for passing gas streams through a liquid solution.

You can find a lot of info on this process easily if you just look for how to gas meth.

by /u/ThePerculator · 2022-01-31 04:56:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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properly mixing powders
- /u/socat2me 4th July, 2022 - 02:03 Yeah things like a blender aren't even going to be close to homogeneous. The absolute best way to mix two powders into a homogeneous mixture is actually using a ball mill. You can rig one up by using a rock tumbler, filling it with the two powders along with ball bearings and running it for 24hrs. Of course most people aren't going to do that so the only other way you might be able to get kind of close is dissolving in a solvent like methanol and stirring on a magnetic stirrer until evaporated, then taking the result and thoroughly grinding with a mortar and pestle.

I don't actually know much about what the binders are though, if it's something like chalk or a mineral then it's not going to dissolve in any normal solvent, but otherwise most things are soluble in methanol.

by /u/joebidenREAL · 2022-07-04 01:13:00 in /d/DrugManufacture

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Assistance recrystallising MDMA
- /u/socat2me 3rd August, 2022 - 16:12 You might actually want to try anhydrous isopropyl alcohol. I've had some really good results recrystallizing methamphetamine HCl with it, so it would be the first thing I try with MDMA. Ethanol would be a little more expensive since you'd need anhydrous ethanol.

Denatured alcohol isn't something I'd normally choose to work with since it's actually made of a bunch of stuff. The MSDS for Klean-strip brand has Ethanol 45-50%, Methanol 45-50% and Methyl isobutyl ketone (aka MEK) as 1-4%.

With the isopropanol you want to add just boiling alcohol to dissolve it and then set it aside to cool. Check back in about 30 minutes to see if any crystals have started forming yet.

If you don't have any you have a few options, one way to grow them is to use evaporation of the solvent to do the recrysallization for you. After the step where you dissolve the mdma in the hot solvent, you just set it aside somewhere and let the isopropanol fully evaporate without disturbing it.

Normally if you were doing a separation this wouldn't be the way to go since you'd end up with the same impurities but in your case you just need the aesthetic of nice crystals. You'll get good crystals this way it will just take some patience. You can also try and catch it when everything is mostly evaporated and there's just a little bit of solvent left (this is called the mother liquor) and then dump that off into a separate container for evaporation since it will contain mostly impurities with a little product.

I actually don't usually recommend the freezer or fridge if you're trying to grow nice crystals since it will make them grow a little to fast so they'll be more like little shards.

Crystal growing can be really difficult, it's all about getting the right balance of the size of the container and amount of solvent. But in your case you do have the advantage of not having a bunch of impurities in it, so just remember the thing I said about letting it fully evaporate, isopropanol evaporates pretty fast so if you leave the container somewhere and forget about it for around 24 hours you should be able to come back and find some pretty nice crystals.

Just remember the slower the crystals take to form, the bigger and nicer they look. You can actually grow some amazing crystals just using distilled water, setting it somewhere, and forgetting about it. It will take a few days but you will usually get crazy crystals.

by /u/chemistrynoob · 2nd August, 2022 - 03:32 in /d/DrugManufacture

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