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heeeeeeeeeey :))))))))) /u/CodeIsLaw
- /u/Reveal1119 12th March, 2024 - 00:04 i like grumpy... reminds me of stoic daniel craig in communist era film... are you hairy too /u/gambetta ? would love to join you with /u/codeislaw for DP in the park...

by /u/MIgBachine · 11th March, 2024 22:09 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 16 comments

Incognito Vendor issue /// A dick move
- /u/Reveal1119 13th March, 2024 - 09:08 /u/supercog yeah... its not just you... i dont totally get it either... theyve been going back n forth a few days now... im just trying to see if the cream rises to the top or if the head on the beer goes down? so, im lost too friend! but short story long this asshole "pharaoh" is a dick and stole stuff n scammed and extorted... and this site "incognito" basically ripped everyone off... i think theyre just providing evidence that pharaoh is a dick and/or they are making fun of his asshole largeness... :)

by /u/Hourglass · 9th March, 2024 19:10 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 112 comments

How feasible is it for AI to be deployed to generate bottle accounts and fake posts? Poll
- /u/Reveal1119 5th March, 2024 - 23:05 well thats a big percentage of what goes on in clearweb and social media so why not here... bots and AI everywhere... so why not here? did not LE help develop darkweb? i mean not to be asshole here but, back in 80/90s know LE who worked often in darkweb and were 5-0

as far as extra bottle accounts... i got here cause google and cox legit (found out) had like completely screened my news... titrated me down to dumbaSS... finally went looking for "reality" elsewhere cause getting so ignorant from google... ugh... wanted to have nice vanilla life with no drama and problems... its so over~ ha

basically, lots of the world is on clearweb with bots and such everwhere... so, why not here? i mean navy made TOR proj happen right? so why not monitor DW.. and have fake accounts.

if concerned verify by asking providers for dick pick... it works for me every time

by /u/footsteps · 2024-01-17 21:42:00 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 34 comments

Why do the rules of Dread not explicitly prohibit discussions of organ trafficking?
- /u/Reveal1119 5th March, 2024 - 22:59 not even department of motor vehicles will accept my donor sticker my shit is so tore up at this point...

and they will probably just let me expire if i call 9oneone~

so, im out on this one... lol

by /u/shulgin · 2024-01-26 09:50:00 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 23 comments

Why do the rules of Dread not explicitly prohibit discussions of organ trafficking?
- /u/Reveal1119 5th March, 2024 - 23:18 sandbox on a sinkhole... then u get free basement

agree.. let us dispose of extra body parts as we see fit to do so web~!

by /u/shulgin · 2024-01-26 09:50:00 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 23 comments