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Prymetyme Status Report

by /u/prymetyme · 2024-03-27 09:08:00 in /d/coke

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ive searched for the answers, now im asking my fellow dreadingtons
- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 17th April, 2024 - 23:03 2mg is the active substance. Pressed pills don't put 30mg fent in them. That would be insane.

by /u/blckpwr3 · 2024-04-17 20:22:00 in /d/Opiates

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why does coke suck now?
- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 16th April, 2024 - 23:04 I exclusively do RushRush coke and honestly, it's never been better. His last batch legit tested 97.2% pure- and not some bogus "my coke is 95%" hogwash you hear from most vendors- I mean genuine laboratory testing. In fact, for every new brick he sends samples to 5 different labs in different countries (and continents I believe?) to get a measure of the average purity and within-batch variation.

I performed a successful Acid/Base extraction on an ounce from Prymetime and the freebase only weighed 50%, and I'm not talking of the original 28g, I'm talking of the theoretical 100% freebase return of 25g, since losing the hcl ion reduces weight. Freebase only weighs 89.3% as much as the salt form- of course, when converting in reverse to cocaine hydrochloride you gain that back- salt form will weigh 12% more than the freebase did, assuming no spillage or losses elsewhere (to calculate theoretical max freebase conversion multiply by 0.893, to calculate theoretical max cocaine hydrochloride conversion multiply by 1.12, and you'll notice they're reciprocals of each other- multiply together and you get exactly 1, but I digress).

Anyways, we haven't gotten test results back for his 1D or 1E bricks and I knew performing a PROPER ammonia freebase conversion changing PH gradually without any heat can give a really good estimate of purity. So I tossed close to an 8-ball of the 1E brick in and went to work (think it was 3 grams).

100% return in freebase would be 2.679 grams (3 x 0.893 = 2.679). I got back 2.5 grams. That's 93.3% of max return. So I estimate his 1E brick to be around 93%. When I converted back to salt form I got like... 2 grams I think? But then I evaporated the acetone/hcl acid 37%/methanol which was used to precipitate the powder back from freebase form, and got another 0.8 grams of salt form. Guess that's how much dissolved in water of the mixture, hence why I couldn't see it and had to evaporate to get it back. But that's a grand total of 2.8 grams out of the 3 grams I started with, and a full 100% return from freebase (2.5 x 1.12 = 2.8). Meaning I purified it dang near to pharma grade. 99%+

Btw cocaine is still made the same way it always was. I mean there's variations, but at the end of the day it's cocaine hydrochloride or it's not. And if it is, it's just a question of purity.

Best method is using ether to convert freebase into the salt form but it's EXTREMELY dangerous, like, spontaneous combustion from static electricity kind of dangerous. Professionals in the trade use it and know how to respect it of course. But someone like me doing A/B Extraction? Heck no. I'm using Acetone to dissolve the freebase into rather than Ether, with a mixture of Hydrochloric Acid 37% and Methanol poured into that rather than a mixture of Hydrochloric Acid 37% and Acetone. But other professionals of the trade will straight gas it with Hydrochloride in gas form, instead of using Hydrochloric Acid 37% which is the max amount the gas can be trapped in water.

by /u/realcanadianpotstore · 2024-04-16 18:27:00 in /d/coke

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Innertubes found some Dilaudid + back in stock with the real Oxycodone 10mg (US - US)
- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 16th April, 2024 - 21:04 Prices? I just got x129 dilaudid 8mg from Mex on Super for $14.42 ea after shipping

Can you match that or are we talking crazy prices? I know some ppl are ok paying crazy prices but...well I guess I'm just not one of them

by /u/innertubes · 2024-04-16 19:33:00 in /d/Opiates

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Myth of Reagents
- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 16th April, 2024 - 22:32 I mean, if you're looking for scientific confirmation with a p-value < .001 then sure.

But if you're just an average Joe looking for quick reassurance or evidence, it's exactly what you need.

I had so many bags of various opioids I got mixed up- H and F and H tainted with F and multiple nitazenes...

Found a lost bag of about 7 grams and couldn't tell what it was. Protonitazepyne? Heroin? Fentanyl? I had bags of all 3 that you honestly couldn't tell apart by sight.

First I performed a fent test and ruled that out, meaning it was either Heroin or Protonitazypene. So I then ran regeant on it vs a bag of known heroin... match. Then ran it on my known protonitazypene... night and day difference.

That was when I breathed a sigh of relief and snorted a big, fat line of the stuff and was like yup... tastes like H. But I wasn't gonna do that until I had confidence in what substance it was.

This is the power of regents.

Or maybe you suspect your coke has crystal meth in it (unlikely but this is just a hypothetical for example's sake). Regeant testing can very easily discern whether the coke is unlikely to contain crystal meth (or if it does it's trace amounts so small it's undetected) or if it IS likely to contain crystal meth (still can't say for sure 100% but if it flags consistent with what crystal meth would flag as, that raises the probability high enough that I'd give that stuff a wide berth... in fact, I'd perform an ethanol wash taking advantage of cocaine's solubility (1 gram in around 3mL) vs meth (1 gram in around 500mL). So if it wasn't crystal meth, well... there ya go, you were all good anyways. But if it was crystal meth, now you've washed it out. Or at least, reduced its total quantity to be fractions of a single percent of its original quantity... which would render it so minute you could essentially consider it absent.

Regeants can be extremely useful and a powerful utility- a bellwether that signals which way to go. "Looks good, go ahead" or "may have meth- do an ethenol wash just in case" or "may not actually even be coke at all- avoid"

They're not the be-all-end-all. Of course not. They're just a tool. Like fentanyl test strips and xylazine test strips and benzo test strips. All just tools. Utilize them as required.

A good analogy I can give is verifying whether gold is authentic. Some people spend thousands of dollars on these high tech gadgets that can tell them if it's real or if it's just plated, etc. But I have 3 simple tests which may seem rudimentary, but are extremely powerful when combined.

Assuming it's a coin...

1) Weigh the coin. Some fake gold bullion can match the weight but some don't. This can catch SOME fakes.

2) Measure the coin- diameter and thickness. Some fake gold bullion can match the diameter and thickness but some don't. This can catch SOME fakes.

3) Test the harmonic resonance with a free smartphone app like Bullion Test. Each gold Coin has a very specific frequency when balanced on your finger and tapped lightly with something (a hollowed out ink pen shell is perfect imo since it's not metal and won't ding the coin, and is light enough that it doesn't knock it off your finger when tapping). Again, some fake gold coins can actually imitate the harmonic resonance but it's extremely rare. This will catch MOST fakes.

Do ALL 3 TESTS AND YOU'RE BULLETPROOF. Tungsten has nearly the same density as gold and is the go-to for mimicking size and weight. Just plate with gold and you can beat multiple tests. But the harmonic frequency? That's gonna be WAAAAAY off. Not even in the same parking lot. You can cheat 1 test. You may even be able to cheat 2 tests. But you can NEVER cheat all 3 simultaneously. It isn't possible (or if it is, it's a trade secret of some foreign government using it to fake their reserves- actually sounds like something the US government would do come to think of it. Point is, if there's a way to whip all 3 its unknown to me and most other human beings on the planet).

I see the regeants in the same way. In and of themselves they can only give you so much confidence. But combined with several other tests, you can attain extremely high probability of the drug being what you think it is... or not.

by /u/topshelflover · 2024-04-16 21:09:00 in /d/coke

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Amount of people going through crazy withdrawal
- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 14th April, 2024 - 09:39 What aggravates me is every time I hear of a vendor busted... they sold H. So they're not taking out the fent vendors, they're going after H vendors, forcing users to turn to fent as they have nowhere left to go.

Just... why?

"We got em! Nice work gentlemen, another criminal off the streets!"

[125 users who now have no source for clean H turn to fentanyl, and within one year, 10 of them have died from an overdose]

Ya, real nice job gentlemen. Pat those backs. Just don't forget those 10 people who died as a direct result of your decision to pursue H vendors rather than fent vendors (or better yet, tranq-tainted fent vendors).

by /u/okome133 · 2024-04-12 04:17:00 in /d/Opiates

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