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You now need POW to access the main public dread mirror
- /u/shockintulah 24th November, 2023 - 22:04 I thought PoW provides the highest level defense for the entire network and sites on tor against DDOS attacks, no?

by /u/Paris · 2023-11-24 01:07:00 in /d/Dread

0 votes · 23 comments

Best quality US to US cocaine?
- /u/shockintulah 24th March, 2023 - 14:34 They are selling Colombian and nobody has offered to comment on the levamisol content of their product nor has anyone washed any that has come here to report on their quality.

by /u/[deleted] · 2023-03-22 03:58:00 in /d/DNMSourcing

0 votes · 16 comments

Best quality US to US cocaine?
- /u/shockintulah 24th March, 2023 - 14:32 Ordered from DTX recently. Quality was lacking, product could not be used out of the bag, not a good showing if that was the best they had to offer.

by /u/[deleted] · 2023-03-22 03:58:00 in /d/DNMSourcing

0 votes · 16 comments

Best quality US to US cocaine?
- /u/shockintulah 24th April, 2023 - 15:23 Ok what market are you on since A-B is gone? You will know me, I will give you some details when I find you on whichever market you are selling on brother. Glad to know you are out there in the mix now!

by /u/[deleted] · 2023-03-22 03:58:00 in /d/DNMSourcing

0 votes · 16 comments

Best quality US to US cocaine?
- /u/shockintulah 24th March, 2023 - 14:31 Jugito, calling Jugito, your services are sorely needed here in light of all the cutters in operation.

by /u/[deleted] · 2023-03-22 03:58:00 in /d/DNMSourcing

0 votes · 16 comments