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Dread downtime today

by /u/HugBunter · 10th September, 2018 00:45 in /d/Dread

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~Citybars inventory update~

by /u/citybars · 2023-04-21 12:07:00 in /d/rcsources

0 votes · 1 comments

Posts by User

Bestbenzos is BACK from vacation

by /u/bbPR · 2024-04-17 20:15:00 in /d/Xanax

0 votes · 6 comments

Bestbenzos is BACK from vacation

by /u/bbPR · 2024-04-17 20:24:00 in /d/bestbenzos

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BestBenzos Update

by /u/bbPR · 2023-04-03 23:49:00 in /d/rcsources

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BestBenzos Update

by /u/bbPR · 2023-04-04 00:01:00 in /d/rcsources

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Comments by User

BestBenzos now has our very own Official Reseller EMERALDCITY on Archetyp Market!!
- /u/bbPR 📢 BestBenzos PR guy 24th May, 2023 - 00:48 Couldn't have said it better! You might be after my PR job!!

by /u/bbPR · 2023-05-21 14:24:00 in /d/rcsources

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BestBenzos now has our very own Official Reseller EMERALDCITY on Archetyp Market!!
- /u/bbPR 📢 BestBenzos PR guy 22nd May, 2023 - 21:32 No citybars is doing great, but he can't be on every market all the time, he'd have no life! lol jk, but no Emcity has proven himself to be reliable and has a great working relationship with Arch and with us too, or this wouldn't happen. But like /u/citybars , we have known /u/Emerald_CityBB and he shares our same vision and level of service! We are happy to have him with us and represent our brand that we can't deliver to everyone but they can for all the small time trappers, and personal users, We know we could't have achieved what we have without all the little guys who are now HUGE because we have built strong relationships of trust an we always deliver quality product and our resllers source directly from us, you are not only buying bars from these two great vendors, but you are also buying our brand from someone we put OUR trust into.

by /u/bbPR · 2023-05-21 14:24:00 in /d/rcsources

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BestBenzos now has our very own Official Reseller EMERALDCITY on Archetyp Market!!
- /u/bbPR 📢 BestBenzos PR guy 21st May, 2023 - 14:41 Bestbenzos has gone private and 2 kpacks would have to go through their resellers who are emcity on Arch and citybars who is on bohemia(on vacation), moonkey, darkmatter, and cypher. Citybars also has an onion http://citybars7jx56ogm2st4dwhhd2322ypla3srypi54xdsrajr3r2ozdad.onion/canary/

by /u/bbPR · 2023-05-21 14:24:00 in /d/rcsources

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bestbenzos 2cb issues
- /u/bbPR BestBenzos PR guy 22nd May, 2023 - 23:03 I have tried it myself and as far as I know I'm pretty sure its 2cb, as im not the chemist of it I will get an answer soon let me just reach out to few people and I will respond as soon as I have a definitive answer.

by /u/2cbseeker · 2023-05-22 20:56:00 in /d/rcsources

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