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markets changing names to avoid a dread ban
- /u/cthulhuskittens 📢 13th June, 2023 - 20:41 xylazine is a whole other level of scumbaggery, i remain of the opinion that anyone selling that shit as dope should be hung by their testicles/labia in the nearest town square & used as a pinata. there isn't even any recreational value in that shit.
had not heard that about zenes & fent test strips - i thought one of the "attractions" (a relative term) of zenes was that they could be marketed as fent-free. would rather defeat the purpose if they pop for fent. however this is one of the many reasons i try to avoid synthetics so my knowledge here is probably lacking

by /u/cthulhuskittens · 3rd June, 2023 23:32 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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markets changing names to avoid a dread ban
- /u/cthulhuskittens 📢 5th June, 2023 - 17:28 all the more reason to get rid of the bogus nonsensical fent ban

by /u/cthulhuskittens · 3rd June, 2023 23:32 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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markets changing names to avoid a dread ban
- /u/cthulhuskittens 📢 5th June, 2023 - 02:08 it's pretty clear by now that the "fent ban" is no such thing & actually just results in confusion for n00bs unaware that fent is sold under names like "china white/CW" or "m30s" - both terms that are understood outside of DNMs to refer to much less potent opioids. so pointing to the fent ban as evidence of virtue is completely backwards. that said, i don't believe all market operators are scumbags, but i don't like to see scumbags rewarded for their scumbaggery, & these serial exitscammers are getting away with murder. they don't cover their tracks very well. i'm relatively new to DNMs but i don't understand why more people don't put some basic effort into shutting the scammers down.

by /u/cthulhuskittens · 3rd June, 2023 23:32 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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markets changing names to avoid a dread ban
- /u/cthulhuskittens 📢 4th June, 2023 - 03:05 i can't get into their minds to confirm evading the ban was the reason for the name change, no. i think i have sufficient proof that it's the same people making slight tweaks to their market (but not enough) in order to pass it off as a non-banned one. just doing some more digging in case there's more (these people aren't too bright & have left a lot of evidence behind)

by /u/cthulhuskittens · 3rd June, 2023 23:32 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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markets changing names to avoid a dread ban
- /u/cthulhuskittens 📢 4th June, 2023 - 01:55 i'd never heard of that one, but damn, they aren't being subtle about it either...that makes two!

by /u/cthulhuskittens · 3rd June, 2023 23:32 in /d/DarkNetMarkets

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