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WARNING: Bug in Monero can reveal your identity!
- /u/TCS13579 1st August, 2021 - 02:48 I am pretty sure this issue only effected the official wallet released by Monero and other third party wallets are unaffected. That said the sending of Monero in different amounts given the relatively low transaction fees seems to rectify this issue and provide the necessary obfuscation that is required for security purposes.

by /u/moneroswap · 1st August, 2021 00:02 in /d/Monero

0 votes · 18 comments

Do you stand or sit when wipe.
- /u/TCS13579 8th August, 2021 - 16:40 You have way too much time on your hands. Maybe its the drugs, Your either taking too much.... or not enough lol. That said i sit.

by /u/startwiping · 8th August, 2021 10:19 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 20 comments

Why did yall stay silent??
- /u/TCS13579 13th October, 2021 - 05:28 To classify people as lazy who had not withdrawn funds is not really fair. We personally withdrew funds but still had a substantial amount stuck in Escrow which buyers were not willing to release until they had received the order which can take a week or two. We believe this market should be labelled as unconventional exit scam and not a so called retirement. We understand you have history with Mr.White and he did do some good but at the end of the day, he stole the funds in Escrow and Vendors were helpless in stopping him. He is a thief. Plain and Simple.

by /u/sinister6 · 12th October, 2021 23:54 in /d/CafeDread

0 votes · 9 comments

504 time-out?
- /u/TCS13579 12th December, 2023 - 11:10 Update: On 11th Dec 2023 we were able to access the market, message and process orders as normal, also made successful withdrawals of btc and xmr with no issues whatsoever. whatever the reason for the downtime, the issue seems to have been resolved.

by /u/blackbackpack1 · 10th December, 2023 13:17 in /d/IncognitoMarket

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504 time-out?
- /u/TCS13579 10th December, 2023 - 16:12 We have 7 links for the market, all are either offline or present the captcha than time out. Either the market is under a ddos attack, upgrading the site or something negative may have occurred. Best to wait for now to see if any market admin or mod give an update or if its radio silence. Can anyone check if the canary has been updated or not ?

by /u/blackbackpack1 · 10th December, 2023 13:17 in /d/IncognitoMarket

0 votes · 56 comments