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Prymetyme Status Report

by /u/prymetyme · 2024-03-27 09:08:00 in /d/coke

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I took a chance on Berg's Diclazepam and Odsmt
- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 27th April, 2024 - 03:18 Hope it works out.

But every time I've been scammed, the customer service was IMPECCABLE. You'll never be treated better than by someone looking to take your money. Words of wisdom 😉

But they may prove legit. Let us know

by /u/ExtremelySedatedPuppy · 2024-04-27 01:16:00 in /d/rcsources

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Waiting for Partyfaves/321Snort dope
- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 17th April, 2024 - 23:21 Doubt it's poison. It's probably just fent being disguised as H. I'd filter it by dissolving in water then pouring through a coffee filter in a funnel, then onto a ceramic plate and left to evaporate.

Scrape up what's crusted on and snort that. Just be careful until you know potency.

by /u/yournameiscool33 · 2024-04-16 03:43:00 in /d/Opiates

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why does coke suck now?
- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 17th April, 2024 - 22:52 Oh well you definitely don't have 1E, or 1D, that's for sure.

Who sold it to you? Was it /u/RushRush or was it his reseller?

If it was his reseller perhaps Rush would like to ask them about it. Just to ensure no funny business is afoot

by /u/realcanadianpotstore · 2024-04-16 18:27:00 in /d/coke

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why does coke suck now?
- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 17th April, 2024 - 17:14 /u/sprout /u/RushRush

Nope. Just took a massive whiff from each bag and absolutely nothing. No smell in the slightest. If anything I detect a faint hint of forest or grass? A natural earthy smell but it's sooooo faint it's easy to miss if you're not looking for it.

Certainly no gas or solvents though. Nuh-uh. Definitely not.

by /u/realcanadianpotstore · 2024-04-16 18:27:00 in /d/coke

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why does coke suck now?
- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 17th April, 2024 - 17:11 Neither were gassy.

1D looked more like the usual batches with hygroscopic quality and texture, while 1E was very dry (but in a good way). Neither had any detectable smell.

In fact I have a half zip of each right here in front of me now. Let me check and I'll post back just to be 100% sure...

by /u/realcanadianpotstore · 2024-04-16 18:27:00 in /d/coke

0 votes · 33 comments