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Prymetyme Status Report

by /u/prymetyme · 2024-03-27 09:08:00 in /d/coke

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- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 19th March, 2024 - 00:32 Again, a little child's response. No conversation or articulated points, just grade school insults.
Which don't get under my skin anymore than a toddler screaming "ba-ba". That's just how little children behave.

And you've made it abundantly evident you are a little child, so i've come to expect that kind of thing from you. So continue replying with your kindergarten cursing but it only makes you look foolish and immature. You can't see it any more than a child is capable of being aware of their own childishness, but perhaps in 10 years if this post is still here, you might come back and look on it and perhaps, if you're actually capable of passing puberty one day and maturing, feeling the sheer embarrassment of such an adolescent response.

I'm quite sure you are used to just throwing insults at people and having that work for you because in second grade that's how kids think, but any adult who's reading what you're posting is just face palming right now. I promise you that.

By all means, feel free to reply and make more comments about sucking dick and all this juvenile hogwash, which I'm sure you're just repeating what you heard others say climbing on the jungle gym during recess. But it's not doing anything to convince anyone you have integrity, or value honesty. It only serves to show that you cannot control your emotions, and that is a hallmark characteristic of a child. The mark of maturity is when you become old enough. The u control your emotions rather than letting your emotions control you. These little unhinged rants throwing insults... it's beneath me. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not getting upset by your childish rants and insults. Grown men don't have time to get upset over some twelve year old kid on the internet talking shit.

And it does nothing to convince anyone.
That would you are saying is true. On the contrary, it just reinforces the fact you are a little child, and little children lie, they tell tall tales and they like to use profanity because it makes them feel like a grownup. You just check every single box on the list don't you...

by /u/MTNOrganix · 2024-03-08 07:51:00 in /d/newmarkets

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- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 18th March, 2024 - 21:10 This the response of a child. No logic, reason or merit to your argument. Just random profanity and insults.

That may impress your fellow classmates on the short bus, but you're at the men's table here son. Go sit down

by /u/MTNOrganix · 2024-03-08 07:51:00 in /d/newmarkets

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- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 18th March, 2024 - 01:41 My guy, either you're confused and thinking of a different vendor, or you're lying and twisting the truth, willfully deceiving even yourself so you feel like you're right. But deep down you know what really happened, and for sure /u/RushRush did you no wrong.

Maybe you wanted something you didn't get and that angered you. But whatever went down, one thing I do know is this:

RushRush DOES NOT and WILL NEVER scam. I've trusted this guy with more money than you probably make in a full month's salary. And I don't trust just anyone, nor do I do so lightly. I could hand him 5 stacks and say "pay me back in a month" and not lose one wink of sleep over it (not that Daddy Warbucks would ever need to borrow money from me lol, but I'm just sayin)

by /u/MTNOrganix · 2024-03-08 07:51:00 in /d/newmarkets

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- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 18th March, 2024 - 01:33 I learned that there could be 1,000 ppl chatting, and the 1 person who doesn't like you will gravitate toward that 1 other person who also doesn't like you. It's a "strength in numbers" kinda thing. Where, if they have someone to bounce their accusations off and legitimize each other, they feel less insecure about the slander.

I was in a forum for a hobby of mine and this one dude just doesn't like me. And he won't say anything usually but the minute someone else objects to what I say, best believe there he is, all of a sudden out of the woodwork like a la coocaracha, la cooca racha [moraccas shaking, cockroaches dancing to the tune 😀)

But anyways ya, they cling to anyone and anything that might possibly lend their slander legitimacy, or at least the PERCEPTION of legitimacy in the eyes of others (even though as mentioned, nobody's buying that crap- whatever happened, I guarantee you were fair and whatever decision you made was justified, that's all I need to know)

by /u/MTNOrganix · 2024-03-08 07:51:00 in /d/newmarkets

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- /u/ElCaptinoJackarino 18th March, 2024 - 01:25 Trust me when I say, your reputation speaks for you. For real, you ain't even gotta dignify this with a response. Every single person here knows you're legit and would never do what this individual claims.

Not one person would ever believe it for a second. We all know there's those ppl. It's a numbers game. Deal with enough ppl, eventually you get a nut job or two, ya know?

But for real, don't even stress by responding. Just let ppl smirk and chuckle when they read nonsense like that. Ain't nobody gullible enough to believe it. And if they are, they probably weren't ever gonna do business with you anyways 😀

by /u/MTNOrganix · 2024-03-08 07:51:00 in /d/newmarkets

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