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Tor2door Market Update ( Direct payments, Faster Deposit, Multisig bug fixed )
- /u/whataname 7th June, 2022 - 12:35 Looking good, thanks! If you want to make an order using direct payment but already have a little XMR in your wallet, will it deduct that amount of XMR from the order cost so you can empty your wallet completely?

by /u/Epsilon · 6th June, 2022 13:09 in /d/Tor2DoorMarket

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Tor2door - Some updates and I2P!
- /u/whataname 9th July, 2022 - 11:29 The only settings I changed on tor browser were security -> safest and javascript[.]enabled -> false but its working again now so no problem there. I think cloudfare is blocking some exit nodes at certain times because I noticed other people with the same issue.

Anyway I see these new mirrors on dnmwatch and saved the full versions in a text file.

yzrrn ... u4xqd[.]onion
2m2kr ... 7wiyd[.]onion
3yy2l ... srjad[.]onion
ob32c ... 7twad[.]onion
zweak ... 7faid[.]onion

How do I verify them exactly please?

by /u/Sundec · 8th July, 2022 17:40 in /d/Tor2DoorMarket

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Tor2door - Some updates and I2P!
- /u/whataname 8th July, 2022 - 23:12 If youre saying what I think youre saying then thank you! The problem is I can't get dnmwatch to load right now. Its either a error 522 timeout or some message about checking my browser and asking for javascript turned on. Tried a new circuit and identity and even rebooted tails but it's the same. Iwish tails had i2p.

by /u/Sundec · 8th July, 2022 17:40 in /d/Tor2DoorMarket

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Ever since Tails 6.1 GUI has been different, solution?
- /u/whataname 29th April, 2024 - 02:11 You probably just need to update Tails to 6.2 and the wallet gui to

Or try Feather wallet instead.

by /u/fapinator · 2024-04-28 03:51:00 in /d/Monero

0 votes · 4 comments