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Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?

by /u/newbieforever2018 · 0 votes · 2022-11-18 08:14:00

With the recent European vendor seizures now it becomes the playground for scammers trying to impersonate the vendors that have been shut down.
Do your due diligence because I expect a lot of fake replacement sites to popup and a lot of people to be scammed by believing these to be legit replacement sites of the arrested vendors. Think about it. If the vendor was back in business why would he need a new site if his site itself was not seized? For example I was on the mailing list of one of these vendors with an alleged new site. If this was the case would not the legit vendor send those on his mailing list the updated new site?

Just be careful out there until things play out. The real vendors will be able to verify who they are. Don't just take similar sounding site names to necessarily be legit.
We all want our products and the scammers are well aware of it. Don't be a victim.

Background to story: /post/4fd769d02e3c39e98d29

Comments (1)
/u/pirate · N/A votes · 18th November, 2022 - 13:36 · Link


/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 18th November, 2022 - 18:21 · Link

Thanks for the valuable addition to this topic. Everyone please be on guard for those who will try to take advantage of this situation by impersonating vendors, and not necessarily just those who were busted. They may claim to be new labs opened to fill the void.