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how do i tell my selfish daughter to move out?

by /u/metalgeardonkey · 0 votes · 2nd December, 2023 20:59

how do i tell my 5 year old daughter to move out? i dont know how to break it to her because she is so young . idk i just dont want children anymore. i have tried leaving her in chuck e cheese but she came back how should i go about this kings?

Comments (11)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 2nd December, 2023 - 21:13 · Link

What I recommend is to do the reverse adoption option. While it is more costly and takes longer than the drop them off in a park and leave option the chances that they will come back, like your experience with the chuck e cheese option, is a lot lower. To start the process generally you want to record every infraction and build the case for the reverse adoption. Every time they don't eat their veggies, record it. Cry because they couldn't watch frozen for the 1000th time, record it. Didn't want to go to sleep at a right time and now is angry that they need to go to school when they are tired, record it. Once you have a few pages of infractions just take them back to the birthing agency and request their reverse adoption option. If you show that their provided model is so defective no reasonable person could handle it by law they must take it back.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 2nd December, 2023 - 22:27 · Link

I have not laughed this hard since I was born and realised life was a joke. 10/10

/u/metalgeardonkey · N/A votes · 2nd December, 2023 - 21:47 · Link

wow pretty informative good thinking thank u paris and yes when she crys about me not letting her watch frozen i just temporarily ban her water privileges works 99% the time

/u/zexdac · N/A votes · 3rd December, 2023 - 01:27 · Link

Exactly! The psychology of child care is a data driven industry which requires metrics in order to cause change. I make my kids do TPS reports.

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 2nd December, 2023 - 21:24 · Link

There is a precedent here which might prove to be useful to you: https://www.amazon DOT com/Curious-Case-Natalia-Grace-Season/dp/B0BX4B19JY

/u/lovemesomebeer123 · N/A votes · 2nd December, 2023 - 21:16 · Link

head over to ikea with her then you can tell her to play around on the plush toy section while you pretend to search for something else then while she is distracted you can escape from the ikea yeah sarcasm aside you are still responsible for the kid, at most you can put her for adoption or send her off to live with her grandma or aunt lol

/u/mantspants11 · N/A votes · 2nd December, 2023 - 21:20 · Link

Agree with Paris here. Watch the movie Problem Child. That will give you the plan of action you're looking for. Just need to hope that she doesn't out-fox a series of foster fams with cleverly orchestrated wickedness and end back up in your garden or sitting room

/u/metalgeardonkey · N/A votes · 2nd December, 2023 - 21:48 · Link

hmm that do sound like something she would do thanks tho king

/u/beggar · N/A votes · 2nd December, 2023 - 21:24 · Link

Australopithecus With terrible synaptical connections, that is my analitic argument about your existence.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 2nd December, 2023 - 16:47 · Link

My man, you got a flair o_o

/u/metalgeardonkey · N/A votes · 2nd December, 2023 - 21:49 · Link

ye he e-gypsy

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 4th December, 2023 - 21:57 · Link

Usually it's only reserved to cool people but this dude's attention was brought to Shaky and there was a request for him to get a flair which is why he got one. Pretty fitting if you ask me.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 4th December, 2023 - 17:03 · Link

Certainly, he deserves it. :p

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 4th December, 2023 - 22:05 · Link


/u/aoeuidhtns · N/A votes · 2nd December, 2023 - 22:34 · Link

Stop feeding her, and then mention that to her teacher and/or your neighbors. CPS should do the rest of the work.

/u/powderedSlut · N/A votes · 2nd December, 2023 - 23:12 · Link

Help her find a manual labor job n look for apartments

/u/pmdawn · N/A votes · 3rd December, 2023 - 01:50 · Link

Sell her on Wayfair

/u/powderedSlut · N/A votes · 3rd December, 2023 - 01:54 · Link

lol this^^

/u/RazewingRathalos · N/A votes · 3rd December, 2023 - 03:01 · Link

raise her well, extremely well like your little princess, she will develop daddy issues like all modern girls and seek out independence at a young age

/u/miner21 · N/A votes · 3rd December, 2023 - 06:14 · Link

The chuck e cheese mouse didnt want her? Thats not good.

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 4th December, 2023 - 02:09 · Link

kick her in the nuts - she'll get the message