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Which Vendor sponsered the captcha creators? Man!

by /u/Kid_In_Kandy · 0 votes · 4th September, 2020 14:45

Sure it was a tough job, coming up with all those captcha idea, they'll get easier, but a couple things.

Way to small, I just got new glasses, still I had to <Ctl+> like crazy on some, hen wind the window back down... get to be a lot of work when it takes 5 attempts..

in the series "what is the answer too" took a while to think, some just NOT the answer, like:
are you up there when you are high?
Answer can only be yes or no, but obviously it pics of clouds, I got it, but

Thats REALLY testing your human flexability, when we respond to what we think the question was meant to be. doubt it was the intension, hmm?

Comments (2)
/u/Philips · N/A votes · 4th September, 2020 - 15:07 · Link

The quality of the pics is fucking terrible too! This took me 6 goes...

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 4th September, 2020 - 15:50 · Link

Are you referring to Dread's captcha? Shouldn't have posted this in the WHM sub really, the image sizing is at my fault, I'll be amending them today, I honestly thought they were good enough personally... my eye sight must be better than I thought...

/u/delhifpo · N/A votes · 4th September, 2020 - 15:55 · Link

100% can confrim we need HQ pics over there. Had to squint my eyes harder than my asian Cousin

/u/Kid_In_Kandy · N/A votes · 4th September, 2020 - 16:39 · Link

would defeat the purpose of test, brain can't compete with computer speed, gazillions of repetitions all same hi fidelity, no errors, Humans are good at having a guess at something when half the data is missing. AI is getting good, but those ones you have to squint your eyes, you would leave any computer in the DUST!! They have no chance.. at the moment... those are the ones that separate us from the bots the most

/u/delhifpo · N/A votes · 5th September, 2020 - 00:39 · Link

LMAO !!!