
N/A subscribers


How can I find all my past posts

by /u/Whenilookatyou · 0 votes · 12th July, 2018 00:58

Dread search bar is full of it as it never works with any keywords. And I don't know where I can find my old posts since there were some informative comments and I want to read them again. please help me...

Comments (3)
/u/GreyWorm · N/A votes · 12th July, 2018 - 00:59 · Link

Can you not just go to your profile and view your past posts and comments?

/u/boofingsizzurp420 · N/A votes · 12th July, 2018 - 01:07 · Link

click /u/Whenilookatyou

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 12th July, 2018 - 02:53 · Link

Go to your profile, or you could search by author. Keywords work fine, there is a minimum of 4 characters for it though.