
N/A subscribers


So.. uh.. what now?

by /u/[deleted] · 0 votes · 3rd February, 2021 12:52

XMR.to leaving us is a fucking huge hit to this community - Where do we go from here? I'll be damned if my monero stays on a god damned website like elude.in. Not a chance in hell I'll ever use that shit or anything similar. I want to use my own, personal wallet, and conduct my business as I have been. What's the next best wallet/service? Or better yet, is there one?

Comments (2)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 3rd February, 2021 - 12:59 · Link

Wrapped XMR with atomic swaps and liquidity pools to transact cross chains. Fuck needing to rely on central systems that need to adhere to governments. DEFI spaces will take over exchanges either this year or the next. No central authorities. Pure decentralized transactions that upkeep individual privacy.

/u/KuriousOne · N/A votes · 3rd February, 2021 - 13:46 · Link

Where can i learn more on atomic swaps?

/u/redrarri · N/A votes · 3rd February, 2021 - 16:06 · Link

monero subreddit, it's still far from being complete tho

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 3rd February, 2021 - 22:13 · Link

Thanks man!

/u/HumanPie · N/A votes · 3rd February, 2021 - 16:20 · Link


/u/beyourownbank · N/A votes · 3rd February, 2021 - 19:56 · Link

what's wrong with elude? They aren't a wallet... You shouldn't be making transactions from an EXCHANGE account. You don't need to hold your monero in their exchange, but this has already been said. You don't need to make an account on elude either, you can create a trade just like you can on xmr.to, but you can exchange both ways. Besides that, there's scripts like godex.py that exchanges coin through godex.io. You could still use morphscript, but tor nodes are blocked, so keep that in mind. Just adding bisq here because I haven't seen anyone suggest it. I haven't used it in some time, but it's usable.

/u/undkeineeier · N/A votes · 3rd February, 2021 - 21:36 · Link

I was going to say /u/Snapple_Man - what's the difference between what xmr.to did and what Elude and Kilos or other services do? It's all a swap, they didn't "hold your money" in the sense of an on-exchange wallet or something. For all 3 services, you create a swap by giving a destination address in your desired target currency and they gave you an address to deposit the source currency you want to swap for. Am I missing something here about that? Now for your other point, there is a domino affect that is worrying. And I agree it's a good idea to mention Bisq here, /u/beyourownbank. They do allow exchanging XMR and BTC. Unfortunately they are (at the moment) entirely based around BTC (so to change XMR to BTC or the other way around it's "sell BTC" and "buy BTC" respectively). I hope they are working on being able to buy XMR directly with fiat, but that requires a working distributed escrow system for XMR (i.e. multisig).