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⚠️ Orders update ⚠️ - 22th of April 2024 -

by /u/Visring · 0 votes · 2024-04-22 13:11:00

Hi everyone,

First of all, I hope that everything is going well for all of you,

As expected, European orders started to arrive.
Just a reminder for international orders, if you haven't received anything by 5 May, please contact us as soon as possible.

I would like to reiterate what /u/Rotibel said, there were no OpSec issues with the shipments.
No one has been compromised, either on our side or yours so there's nothing to worry about, this is the most important thing.
Whatever happens, every order will be delivered.
We are already in contact with people who have not received yet their domestic European orders, we'll find the right solution for each case.

New orders for Archetyp have already been sent out.
We took some time before sending them out to make sure that the orders sent out on 1 April had not been seized.
These orders are not expected to be delayed.

For all your next orders on Archetyp, don't hesitate to use the code WHEREISMBL to get a 20% discount.
Valid for 30 uses
Regarding D-Amph, we're waiting some feedback before reopening the listing.

We'd like to thank you all for your patience and trust - this is just the beginning! ;-)
Like always,
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

Wishing you a pleasant evening,

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