
N/A subscribers


Monero Node Stuck 2 Blocks Behind? Fix Here!

by /u/Paris · 0 votes · 3rd December, 2020 00:03

First make sure you are running the latest Monero version. CLI or GUI doesn't matter.

If you are connecting to a remote node, change the node. If that doesn't fix your problem try a different one.

If you are running a full node (which I recommend you do) and are still getting these stuck blocks the main cause is do to badly behaving nodes.

Visit https://gui.xmr.pm/files/block.txt⚠️ and download the text file.

Then you can run the monerod daemon with the --ban-list /path/to/block.txt variable. That will prevent your monero process from connecting to these bad nodes. If you are running it in the GUI you can put that command in the daemon startup flags.

After you do that everything should sync properly.

Comments (4)
/u/Thotbot · N/A votes · 3rd December, 2020 - 00:18 · Link

You may still occasionally run into bad peers even with the ban list applied as the attacker spins up new nodes. The ban list is kept up to date, so re-download the file if it's been a while since you last applied it. If your ban list is recent, run `monerod sync_info` and manually ban peers that report a target height 2 - 4 blocks higher than you. Kindly message the mods of this sub with the output of sync_info so we can add the IP addresses of these peers to the public ban list. A new release is underway that will hopefully fix this issue more permanently.

/u/nahyourabotbro · N/A votes · 3rd December, 2020 - 01:15 · Link


/u/BarK1ng · N/A votes · 3rd December, 2020 - 03:16 · Link

Many thanks, was able to get Feather working but CLI/GUI were not being friendly. Looks like this will fix things.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 02:14 · Link

I don't understand. How can I get my GUI to recognize these IP addresses?

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 02:30 · Link

You need to open up your GUI and wallet. Then go to settings. Node and set the daemon startup flags as "--ban-list /path/to/block.txt". Then start up the daemon.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 03:11 · Link

I'm not. Using CLI

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 5th January, 2021 - 03:27 · Link

When you boot up the monerod daemon just attach the "--ban-list /path/to/block.txt" flag at the end before you press enter like ./monerod --ban-list /path/to/block.txt

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 6th January, 2021 - 19:22 · Link

this worked thank you

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 31st March, 2021 - 22:22 · Link

/u/Paris How can I get updated versions of this list?

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 1st April, 2021 - 06:12 · Link

Visit https://gui.xmr.pm/files/block.txt⚠️ and download the text file.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 3rd April, 2021 - 00:55 · Link

How can I get this in the future?

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 3rd April, 2021 - 06:50 · Link

You download it and save it somewhere safe. There are other block lists too if this one goes down.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 8th April, 2021 - 22:45 · Link

/u/Paris nah I mean where can I find this list without having to tag you in a post every time lol