
N/A subscribers


Archetyp: "We suspect you got phished, therefore we disabled all withdrawals for 10 days....use a wallet you used before to withdraw right away"

by /u/monumentaldewberry · 0 votes · 27th December, 2023 19:14

*2-fa IS enabled on the account.

*we have bookmarked and always only ever use the Archetyp pgp verified market mirror available on Daunt (unchanged for 8+ months now

*the odds of us being "phished" are next to zero.

*We are NOT able to "use a wallet we have used before to withdraw right away"

Call it what you will, but this all feels as if our funds have been hi-jacked.

Comments (4)
/u/Solar · N/A votes · 27th December, 2023 - 19:32 · Link


/u/codeless · N/A votes · 27th December, 2023 - 19:53 · Link

I don't know how Archtyp are detecting phishing servers, but in my opinion they should not disclose what technique they are using. Some methods of doing this may result in a small number of false positives which could cause some inconvenience to you, but may be better for the community overall. /u/BigBossChefOfArchetyp can you say if you're using a technique that may potentially have a small amount of false positives, or are you using a technique that is 100%?

/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 27th December, 2023 - 20:47 · Link

I know that AlphaBay used to give false positives when it Limited accounts, for Example if you Logged in, Change your Password and Initiated a Withdrawal all in that particular order it would Limit you and ask you to open a Ticket because it thought you were Phished (I think this was only on Buyer Accounts).

/u/codeless · N/A votes · 27th December, 2023 - 21:12 · Link

That may be a common pattern that phishing sites use, but it's very basic and certainly prone to false positives by innocent users who will also do that a lot of the time. It's not the sort of false positive I was making reference to, which is purely technical - but may be what Archtyp is doing. Obviously the phishers have the login details so all of that sort of activity can be carried out quickly and I'd say it's probably quite a decent indicator of phishing and will annoy not that many people compared to the amount it saves.

/u/Mandalorian · N/A votes · 28th December, 2023 - 03:45 · Link

same thing happened to me and i used feather. then i realized about 3 weeks later that you can click the wallet history tab and it will show you what wallets you have withdrawn to before. its how i avoided waiting 10 days when i forgot and tried to withdraw to a fresh wallet again. although they should have that shit plastered on the withdrawal page BEFORE you do it. n Edit: i think they changed it to 5 days

/u/mantspants11 · N/A votes · 28th December, 2023 - 07:40 · Link

This sounds like you attempted to move coin from one DNM wallet to another. That will generally pull this alarm and action, especially if the destination DNM wallet is ephemeral