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How do I join?

by /u/Darklord420nutzboy · 0 votes · 2024-05-07 06:22:00

Hey all. I’ve been trying to figure out how to get on Archetype all day, but can’t get paste the ‘decrypted’ message once I click submit. What on earth am I supposed to do? I setup KLEOPATRA and entered my public key and everything.

Comments (4)
/u/Emerald_CityBB · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 07:08 · Link

I an confused. Are you saying that you can't decrypt the message? If you can decrypt it, paste it back into the box and read the instructions in the message. There is a special URL at the top of the message. Paste that in your browser and hit enter on your keyboard

/u/rainforest · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 06:38 · Link

Click notepad, paste the pgp message into it. Click decrypt.

/u/boogieshoes · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 07:40 · Link

Decrypt the message, read the message... Like Emerald City explained, go to the URL it provides. biblemeowimkh3utujmhm6oh2oeb3ubjw2lpgeq3lahrfr2l6ev6zgyd.onion/bible/pgp/decrypting_a_message/

/u/justlax · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 13:50 · Link

You have to use the main mirror or it will just loop you back