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How to install wikr on tails?

by /u/Blazed · 0 votes · 2020-04-21 11:59:00

I am having trouble installing wikr, a vendor operates off of it and I need to have it on my tails so I can use my pgp. I opened my terminal and first typed "sudo apt update", and updated everything then installed snapd. That worked out fine, now when I type the command "sudo snap install wickrpro" which I'm assuming is the only way to install it is through terminal since when I click "view in desktop store" nothing happens. I get an error message after typing the admin password to install saying :

error: cannot install "wickrpro": Get https://search.apps.ubuntu.com/api/v1/snaps/details/core?channel=stable&fields=anon_download_url%2Carchitecture%2Cchannel%2Cdownload_sha3_384%2Csummary%2Cdescription%2Cdeltas%2Cbinary_filesize%2Cdownload_url%2Cepoch%2Cicon_url%2Clast_updated%2Cpackage_name%2Cprices%2Cpublisher%2Cratings_average%2Crevision%2Cscreenshot_urls%2Csnap_id%2Csupport_url%2Ctitle%2Ccontent%2Cversion%2Corigin%2Cdeveloper_id%2Cprivate%2Cconfinement: write: operation not permitted

Am I not typing in the name of wikr correctly? I'm following everything it says on their install page, any help would be much appreciated

Comments (1)
/u/spaced_out · N/A votes · 21st April, 2020 - 18:16 · Link

dont use wickr lmao. Why the hell would you ever think using wickr is a good idea? Wickr is not open source, and we have no idea if it is even safe. Use jabber with OTR or OMEMO encryption instead

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2020 - 03:33 · Link

I use Wickr every single minute and been doing it for years - if anyone can find anything about me, I will be rewarding you with 1 BTC - BRING IT ON LE Ps. Yes it's an open source but at the end of the day - it's all about your OPSEC, I don't even use my own ISP :) - go hack someone's wifi 500m from your location with a strong antenna, pewpew! Pss. As long you use PGP when sharing sensitive information, then I can't see how Wickr is less secure than any markets that gets seized.

/u/zx2478 · N/A votes · 2nd May, 2020 - 22:15 · Link

Ive seen jabber mentioned alot . Is it a DN messaging service ?

/u/spaced_out · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2020 - 02:34 · Link

look man. You use wickr if you want, but i highly advise against it for darknet shit.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2020 - 20:05 · Link

Everything that's online can and will be exposed - question is when. As long your OPSEC is perfectly setup, then you're good.

/u/spaced_out · N/A votes · 24th April, 2020 - 22:06 · Link

except that if you use wickr you are more likely to be exposed.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 24th April, 2020 - 23:23 · Link

I hacked someone's wifi with my sick antenna, while using double vpn + socks5 and other things you never knew existed - i'm good :)

/u/spaced_out · N/A votes · 26th April, 2020 - 18:14 · Link

okay buddy

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 26th April, 2020 - 20:16 · Link

Okay, indeed!

/u/zx2478 · N/A votes · 2nd May, 2020 - 22:17 · Link

your pretty clued up with hacking etc. For the average DN punter it may be risky. Regarding hacking is there anywhere to get some simple tips which will go along way regarding OPSEC?