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★Telegram Vending Help★

by /u/BadFishBad · 0 votes · 2023-10-03 09:44:00

Hey, I apologize if this is wrong sub. I recently saw that an old favorite vendor of mine SFTreats seems to have gone on to a completely Telegram based vending business. I am considering selling some merchandise locally, and would like to know, well basically, how does one go about doing this safely. Could anybody with some know how share some dos and donts/advice or even steps? me love you sucky sucky long time if you do. Thank you.


Comments (3)
/u/KurableStim · N/A votes · 12th October, 2023 - 19:32 · Link

telegram is not good comade, first, end to end encryption is only present in secret chat, auto delete is not reliable, and to make matter worse, the endd to endd encryption is not true end to end encryption between the parties involved as it has been discover that telegram also has key/ability to decrypt end to end chats by request of governement and tg need 2fa to make account so must cash burner but then comrade is record on camera when buy in store but there is jmp.chat and other service crypto purchsae phone to make tg but tg really not good comrade may seem lucrative hitting niche of market buyers who do not have know how of get on dark web, but it no good

/u/BadFishBad · N/A votes · 13th October, 2023 - 02:35 · Link

Thank you for the response. The more I research, the more I tend to think it's just a bad idea to get back into dealing. I think I'll just probably stick to personal use and wrtiing reviews to help out the community/ continuing to sell my nudes for that rent money instead of dealing is def going to be safer.

/u/KurableStim · N/A votes · 13th October, 2023 - 20:20 · Link

team kustim will support your nud endevours, where may we find them also DM us, we may be abl to work out an opportunity for you if you are interested in becoming a shipper or employee for markets we are on.

/u/MysticEchos · N/A votes · 3rd October, 2023 - 17:12 · Link

Don't use Telegram, they collect a lot of information about you. I would recommend Session. If you are going to use Telegram, I would sign up with a virtual number or a burner phone that you purchased with cash. Never use your real phone! Always use Telegram on your computer with a VPN enabled. For a VPN, I would recommend Mullvad because you can pay with XMR. I hope this helps!

/u/BadFishBad · N/A votes · 3rd October, 2023 - 20:13 · Link

Very helpful. Thank you

/u/KurableStim · N/A votes · 13th October, 2023 - 20:12 · Link

team kustim have to disagree with advising that VPN sufficient protection comrade. Session good, as it go through loki net, issue is that, the draw to telegram is the lucrative market of the consumer niche and its large user base of drug customers who not know how to purchase through darkweb which allows products to be upcharged compared to darkweb prices, by 35% easily. also, no basic telegram drug buyer has the slighteest idea of how to work PGP encryption.

/u/dorgil · N/A votes · 10th October, 2023 - 22:29 · Link

As far as i know the only things you can do to stay as safe as possible are the following: 1. Use a burner device 2. Use a one-time phone number to create your account 3. Do not share any personal info in any of your chats 4. Turn off P2P for calls so that your IP cannot be traced while calling *extra step: use a VM and a proxy

/u/KurableStim · N/A votes · 13th October, 2023 - 20:06 · Link

further than this, team kustim not think use of VM and a proxy is sufficient safety if decide to engage in TG. Team kustiim would run telegram through tails as beginer usage for safety of tg but hhighly suggest utilize Qubes OS, install telegram on disposable whonix template through terminal, this requires installaton each time disposable is launched due to root being volatile (cleared with each booted disposable instance but safer. engaging in felony activity on non hardened OS such as whonix, or qubes, is no good idea. proxy/vm/vpn also really just not sufficient security to rely on my friend, proxy really not reliable for extended use/security compared to running through tor service. Instead of a burner, team ksutim would suggest finding a site tat sell rent number with payments allowed monero to sign up. Whonix documentation has articles on this. also telegram background downloads cache of media and cha which is why team kustim suggest volatile qubes setup. another ooption is t setup android qub, or android RDP running bluestacks, (rdp/vps purchased through monero payment) and run bluestacks with orbot.