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Being practically uncatchable with a VPN chain

by /u/dontforgetme · 0 votes · 2024-04-26 13:27:00

1.vpn ->2.vpn -> 3.vpn -> 4.vpn -> 5.vpn -> 6.vpn ->7.vpn ->8.vpn ->..... 15.vpn . If we connect a large number of VPNs that allegedly do not keep logs in this way, will it not be practically secure?. Because even if companies x, z, a, b, c provide logs, it is enough that only 1 company does not provide logs, and these companies are the 15 companies known as the most reliable, so even if they all log in, you trust not one vpn company, but the entire vpn industry, it will be enough for you not to have 1 of them. So, with which program can these VPN chains be made? And is there any other downside to this method other than slowing down the internet?

Comments (10)
/u/CheSyPea1201 · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 13:42 · Link

Hey! Tbh i dont know of any program that links VPNs and it seems like a not so smart idea to start with.... If you really wanna go with the idea of chaning things then youre better off with just using proxychains. And remember, VPNs are never 100% safe and linking just more of them together doesnt help with that, also every VPN provider can get you linked with police , they do have to work together with law enforcement if they wanna stay in business. But all in all just use TOR, there is a reason why its popular and its still the most secure way on the internet if you use it right! Stay safe!

/u/Curvature8461 · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 14:07 · Link

Im not sure that is such a good idea, if you want that tor would be a better option anyway, my advice if you want the best possible choice, go to public wifi, purchase a mullvad subscription over tor with monero. Then only use mullvad on public internet absolute worse case, if they do keep logs only info they do have is a public ip. however mullvad has shown to be reliable and one of the few vpns that you can be confident in. then connect to tor through your vpn, this provides a fallback in case exit nodes and tor nodes are compromised.

/u/Amphora · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 15:59 · Link

Depends on the regions, companies, and more. How sure are you those VPN's will work as such a large chain? How sure are you you won't just create a circular pattern? Qubes OS could easily achieve this in terms of software.

/u/zuberdriver · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 16:03 · Link

Proxychains-ng is good but as always each proxy in the chain should be treated as untrusted. Yes /u/Curvature8461, public wifi is good especially if you live in an urban area and can use it from your home. Remember to spoof mac address each session so the logs don't show the same device connecting each time.

/u/bluesoniccanna · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 16:46 · Link


/u/TOPBOY__ · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 19:50 · Link

host -> vpn 1 -> whonix gateway (tunnel) -> OS vm -> vpn2 -> proxy -> vps -> vpn 3 -> TOR this would be a better choice in my opinion. if your vps gets busted you got another layers of security they need to crack first to get to your host :)

/u/asfaleia · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 21:07 · Link

You fuck up fast. No stream isolation, no random hop changing an extremely increased attack surface. Why not use Tor from an IP address not related to you instead?

/u/FrankJr · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 23:46 · Link

Tor does this but better

/u/no-more_trollin · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 17:47 · Link

This is overkill stupid. Tor does this for you & effectively maintains your anonymity. Why not string 1,000 computers together --> slow and dumb. Relax on the meth. /u/dontforgetme

/u/no-more_trollin · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 18:04 · Link

1. I already caught you. 2. Take a networking or CyberSec course... This is WAY EXTREME overkill ... literally borderlines on stupidity/ neurosis. /u/dontforgetme

/u/boogieshoes · N/A votes · 26th April, 2024 - 19:07 · Link

Dude you've made like 50 accounts in the last week just saying dumb shit that doesn't matter. Get a life man.

/u/zrrorrz · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 16:06 · Link


/u/zrrorrz · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 16:14 · Link
