
N/A subscribers


Peke here, just checking in with the community.

by /u/peke · 0 votes · 6th June, 2023 03:56

Signing my message this time :P

Hash: SHA512

Bitcoin Block 793,060

Hello friends. Peke here. Remember me? :) Sadly I did not recieve a Lamborghini. I mostly wanted to let the other members of the old team know that I am alive.
Also thought it was about time I poke my head out and said a little bit. I have been working on the decentralized project on my own, and I will be happy to show a beta later this year.
RIP AlphaBay, RIP DeSnake. Movement has been set back at least a couple years. Oh well, we have had bigger set backs before.


Comments (4)
/u/peke · N/A votes · 6th June, 2023 - 03:59 · Link

To clarify, I am not opening a market, obviously. I am simply working on the tech, then I will open source it and let the community do with it as they please.

/u/samwhiskey · N/A votes · 6th June, 2023 - 17:04 · Link

Yeah, not sure what you are trying to accomplish here. Alphabay is dead and everyone has moved on. Interested in your decentralized work though, are you developing it yourself or with others? Is it any part of what alphabay was supposed to be working on or was that all a gimmick?

/u/peke · N/A votes · 7th June, 2023 - 06:50 · Link

I suppose the scene moves fast. The last thread I posted had other ex staff checking in. Just showing a proof of life so the other past team members can sleep a bit easier. I'm the only one working on it currently. I was building a beta with DeSnake before he ran/died. I believe other teams were also working on an alternative at the same time, although I was never in contact with that team.

/u/samwhiskey · N/A votes · 7th June, 2023 - 15:49 · Link

We are very interested in a decentralized market solution. I've never been privy to how such a thing would work though. If you make any progress for a safe and effective decentralized market system we would be glad to give it exposure when the time is right.

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 8th June, 2023 - 18:15 · Link

Do not trust anything about all the marketing bullshit that DeSnake has spread when the market was online. You think that DeSnake that used his dead friend for marketing would do so much for the community. Never. Peke joined a while later and as a forum moderator. Do you really think you can trust what he is saying. This is bullshit. Parsed

/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 23rd December, 2023 - 06:40 · Link

DeSnake didn't die, he's very Much Alive and well.

/u/dumbassinheelies · N/A votes · 8th June, 2023 - 06:51 · Link

Man whats the point of the dark web if you dont wanna do fucked up shit?

/u/miner21 · N/A votes · 9th February, 2024 - 04:36 · Link

Peke! Never thought I would see you around again! Cant wait to see what you get going man